@alterelefant @Heidi unless you use SSDs...
@kkarhan @Heidi Indeed, SSD storage is amazing for fast storage but not very cost effective for storing vast quantities of data that is not in need of lightning fast retrieval time. HDD's still have their place in the storage landscape and in certain scenario's they are considered to be more robust and more reliable than SSD's although in practice this is usually not really an issue.
@alterelefant @Heidi I think that is true, abeit #HDD|s will sooner or later follow #LTO and other #Tape drive systems as they fall behind in data density, power efficiency and longterm price per TB.
@alterelefant @Heidi I know - it's just that long-term they'll get more and more nieche-cased as #LTO isn't designed for constant random access because the lifetime durability is decreasing with every band pass...
@alterelefant @Heidi again: Of you need to cram Petabytes of Data into a single bank vault box as #offline #backup and expect to handle the tape.maybe once a year, it's fine.
I just think that longterm, both #Tape and #HDDs eill be superseded by #Flash and I'm confident that with the massive enfattening of #Games ideas like the #NeoFloppy / #StiffyDiskDrive will gain demand.
@alterelefant @Heidi As of now, we can see stuff like the #ExaDrive, a 100TB 3,5" SSD for #online - #archival storage.
As #Helium-filled #SMR-#HDD|s struggle to meet the demand for storage at an acceptable thermal & power envelope and price, #SSD|s will inevitable take over as not only the more robust media but also cheaper, more dense and easier to use.
As for the #NeoFloppy that thing could be made - I'm just not good enough layouting PCBs with the precision needed for #PCIe signalling...
Needless to say if constant write speed and lifetime in writes is secondary, then a stack of cheap #SATA-SSDs already beats #LTO-9 tapes unless you need to backup literal #Petabytes and need the fancy features like #WORM media.
That being said, it's inevitable that even WORM as a feature may be copied over.
In fact #ZFS can already offer many features of #LTFS, including read-only snapshots and thus append-only #archives.
Until there are #COTS solutions tho, LTO #Tape and other options will OFC remain dominant and relevant.
Still I'd happily see storage vendors take up the NeoFloppy and build something off it.
@kkarhan >a stack of cheap #SATA-SSDs already beats #LTO-9 tapes unless you need to backup literal #Petabytes and need the fancy features like #WORM media
Data retention is a fancy feature now? Sure, flash beats tape if you don't mind returning to blank SSDs after a couple of years in storage.
@kkarhan @apicultor @alterelefant @Heidi
" This ain't #RAM like in some #Capcom #Arcade Boards like the #CPS2... " #QUOTE
This made me laugh and #StreetFighter forever !
The #2D version of game - NOT newer types! #Disclaimer !
Wonder if anyone still plays SF / SF2T SSF2T ETC? Online play?