#DMCA abuse / bullying people...
...by copying your article + changing the post date to earlier date on another site + filing complaint against you so your original post is removed by your webhost!
#MollyWhite said: "... the “reputation management company” decided to try a new tactic.
Following a familiar playbook, they copied my Web3 is Going Great post to a free BlogSpot website, then backdated it by one day.
The goal was to then abuse the notice and takedown process to claim that I had stolen their work, force my webhost to remove the post, and then hope that I was either intimidated by the legalese or too strapped for time to fight it out with my hosting provider.
Unfortunately for them, “legal department” is only one of the many hats I wear as an independent writer and publisher, and “hosting provider” is another. I informed them that no such infringement had occurred, and noted that there can be penalties for fraudulent copyright claims should they try to continue pursuing this tactic. "
#Law #Legal #Web3 #Copyright
#Web #Provider #Scare #Tactic
#Scam #Legalese #Independent #Writers