🔴 In some ways, it is, and it is not.
All knowledge claims must be qualified in many ways, because reality is many-sided (Syādvāda)
🔴 in some ways, it is,
🔴 in some ways, it is not,
🔴 in some ways, it is, and it is not,
🔴 in some ways, it is, and it is indescribable,
🔴 in some ways, it is not, and it is indescribable,
🔴 in some ways, it is, it is not, and it is indescribable,
🔴 in some ways, it is indescribable.
#Anekantavada is #Jain doctrine about metaphysical #truths that emerged in #ancient #India.
Anekantavada #states that the ultimate #truth and #reality is complex and has multiple aspects and #viewpoints.
#Nayavāda is the theory of standpoints or viewpoints. (Sanskrit: नयवाद)
🔴 common sense or a universal view
🔴 generic or class view that classifies it
🔴 pragmatic or a particular view assesses its utility
🔴 linear view considers it in present time
🔴 verbal view that names it
etymological view uses the name and establishes it nature
actuality view considers its concrete particulars
#Jainism #Syadvada #Anekantavada #Nayavada