News Titles as #List & #Videos by VernonColeman
Non-mainstream news and article titles
News #List by #VernonColeman
Common Side Effects Caused by Prescribed Drugs
Why I think Britain’s Covid-19 Inquiry is a waste of money
If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead
The Hippocratic Oath
When a Vegetarian Sausage Beats an MRI Scanner
Coley’s Toxins
Six Point Plan to Cure the NHS
Doctors Get Their Timing Wrong
Medicine Is Not A Science
Your Bank Despises You
Dr Vernon Coleman’s Vaccine Challenge
Britain is heading, inexorably, into a recession and then a deep depression
Our Christmas Break
Seasonal Casualty
My Christmas Message
How I upset a man who runs a gas appliance showroom
Why everything is going to get worse before it gets better
Looking for a Present?
Sticking Wires into the Brain is not new
Doctors and Nurses Don’t Understand Infections
Passing observations 272
The Medicine Men
Passing observations 271
Interview with Vernon Coleman – link available here
Looking for a present?
Passing Observations 270
How to read your prescription
Patients in research
The Dementia Myth
Experts with Feet of Clay
Predictions from `Coming Apocalypse’ - Published in April 2020
What’s in a Body?
If you know anyone with asthma make sure they read this!
Passing observations 269
Would Drs Shipman, Crippen and Mengele welcome Britain's new death by doctor law?
How to Survive In Hospital
How to Become a Fact-checker – and get very rich
We live in the age of Snitches and Sneaks
Why are dictators always so damned short?
Thelma Caldicot meets the press
`Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History’
Hitler and the Nazis would have voted for the UK Euthanasia Bill
Passing observations 268
Dear Dr Coleman, It’s Time for Your Flu and Covid Jabs!
Problems with the Principle of Interventionism
Biden and Starmer Have Started World War III without bothering to tell us
Women may not now be so pleased...
Questions about Vaccination to Ask your Doctor
Facts Everyone Should Know about Euthanasia
Do Biden, Starmer & Co Want World War Three?
My First Operation
The Countdown to Murder-by-Doctor has Begun – And No One (Not Even Children) Will Be Safe
Hey, listen to this!
Vaccines and Vaccination: Uncovered Truths
Cancer, Chemotherapy and Establishment Ignorance and Lies
Passing observations 267
Why Britain’s Euthanasia Bill Endangers You, Your Family and the World
Nine things about vaccines that you should know but that no one else will tell you
Passing observations 266
Should we all be cheering Russia?
Why won’t anyone listen to my warning about the so-called miracle weight loss drugs? How many people will die?
Tips for any patient taking a prescription drug
Colin Blakemore and a good many kittens
UK Pensioners Will Be Frozen and Starved to Death by Starmer’s Left Wing Government
My favourite books
Prescription drug dangers - a warning from 1975
Warning to the World
Passing observations 265
Not so commonplace
Antibiotics – A warning from 50 years ago
Passing observations 264
Banned in the 1980s: The beginning of censorship in medicine
Euthanasia is not painless, peaceful and dignified.
Coming Apocalypse
Lazy GPs have found yet another way to harm their patients
More Extracts from Vernon Coleman’s Commonplace Book
Health Care – Then and Now
Is aspirin ever safer and more effective than chemotherapy for cancer patients?
Why hasn’t Britain’s Prime Minister been arrested?
This affects you and everyone you love
Passing Observations 263
Marginal gains - vital (but ignored) in cancer care
Extracts from Vernon Coleman's commonplace book
Passing observations 262
Everyone needs an Epipen in their home
We must stop euthanasia becoming legal
Covid Vaccine and Pregnant Women
The Euthanasia Threat
Thoughts on Net Zero
Demonising the elderly
Cash – Struggling to Survive
Shaken Baby Syndrome and Vaccination
Passing Observations 261
What Doctors won’t tell you about Chemotherapy
Net Zero is a scam, built on the myth of climate change
The Tramp
Proof that the covid-19 vaccine causes mental illness
Passing observations 260
Would you please collect your son’s satchel? He chose to take advantage of the school’s euthanasia programme this afternoon
Open Letter to Prof Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, England
The UK’s Covid Inquiry is a Fraud Investigating a Fraud
Will you be chosen for euthanasia?
Animals have a sense of fun
Passing observations 259
How good is your doctor?
The doctor will kill you now
Is Autism Caused By Vaccination?
We're fighting for our lives
Passing Observations 258
Is Vaccination a synonym for Genocide?
How to mend the NHS in five minutes
Freeze or Starve – Older UK Pensioners are expected to live on £8,814 a year
The Scary, Startling Truth about `wonder drugs’ semaglutide and tirzepatide
Labour Party decides to murder pensioners to boost Net Zero (All MPs who voted to freeze pensioners to death are cowards and murderers)
Britain will soon be closed
Between 100,000 and 250,000 old people will be murdered by the British Government during the winter of 2024/5 – they will die of cold and hunger
How the UK Government Can Save Money
How You Can Help Us Stop Euthanasia DEAD
Euthanasia is all about the money
Why euthanasia should be illegal and why you should oppose it
Electricity grows on trees
How Doctors Killed My Mother (Part Two)
How Doctors Killed My Mother (Part One)
The Wisdom of Animals
The Day I Nearly Joined MI5
The Government Will Stop You Leaving
They want to destroy the middle classes and the elderly
Remdesivir – What You Must Know
Why everything is going to get worse before it gets better
`One Man One Vote’ is Out of Date
Half a Century Ago
Escape to a Better World – Bilbury in the 1970s
Missing Seat Belts and PC Plod
GPs are Lazy and Greedy and not Overworked
Toxic stress - the deadly epidemic
Passing observations 257
Are Vaccines the cause of the Epidemic of Cancer among Young People
Most Painkiller Users Don’t Become Addicts
PCR: How the PCR Test Has Killed Millions – And Is Still Killing!
Fun reading for your holiday
Why does the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) disapprove of free speech?
You are the Far Right. And you will be destroyed by Net Zero. It will mean no holidays, no television, no football, no heating, no hot food and nothing much of anything else
Dr Colin M Barron’s Book `The Great Covid Panic’
Thinking Ahead
The PCR Test Can Kill You – and Could Be Used to Vaccinate You (And Anyone Who Denies This Is a Fool)
All the evidence that global warming is real
British Medical Association Announces New Plans for Medical Care in Britain
Everything I said about covid and the vaccine was right. Everything the media and the fact-checkers said was wrong (but they won’t debate with me)
So, now it’s clear: the UK’s ruthless and uncaring Labour Party will destroy the elderly first (everyone else will be next). Labour party policy will kill thousands of old people this winter
Labour Government in UK Will Let Drug Companies See Your Medical Records
BBC Staff Complain They Are Catching Lots of Infections (They Don’t Know Why, But I Do)
Not very NICE
Fun Reading for Your Holiday
What’s the covid jab doing to the brain?
`Truth Teller: The Price’
They want to use euthanasia to murder the disabled, the sick, the old and the unhappy – are you going to let them?
How the Truth about Vaccination has been Suppressed for Years
Jack King’s New Book: `Net Zero Will Destroy You and Everything You Care About’
Your body's early warning systems
Covid Inquiry – Misses the Point
Animals Have Better Survival Instincts than Humans
Do not resuscitate
Bodypower: An introduction to self-healing
Passing observations 256
Bilbury Chronicles Audiobook 75% Discount until 21st July 2024
Summer Reading to Help You Escape
Passing observations 255
The woke
Passing observations 254
Dr Bullock’s Annals – Diary of a Victorian Doctor
Labour Won the UK Election with 20% of the Possible Vote
Passing observations 253
How Gordon Brown's target culture destroyed Britain
Net Zero will Destroy You, Your Family and Everything You Love
Passing observations 252
Passing observations 251
Twenty years ago the Labour Party destroyed Britain's health service
How an angry woman committed murder and got away with it
BBC Apologises for Broadcasting Fact
Passing observations 250
Everyone working for Google, YouTube, Facebook and the BBC is a conspiracy theorist
Listen to your body
This is your future
The world of social credit just got much closer
Passing observations 249
Coming soon: more tests, masks, lockdowns and vaccines
Who the devil was it?
How women doctors...
What I learned from our 1957 Bentley
The end of cricket
Passing observations 248
Meat causes cancer - the evidence
The covid genocide unravels
Solving every E.coli outbreak mystery
Saving time in extra time
Passing observations 247
Solar engineering - aka solar radiation management
Vernon Coleman's latest video - out now!
Side effects with fashionable weight loss drug
David Lammy
Do not resuscitate
Passing observations 246
Today’s GPs are Lazy, not Overworked – Here’s the Proof
The danger of electricity
Whatever happened to newspapers?
Why are we waiting?
Passing observations 245
Why no-one wants to win Britain's general election
Animals deal with sickness better than humans do (part 2)
Animals deal with sickness better than humans do
The transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video
The fraud of the menopause
Passing observations 244
Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video called: 'The Money's Gone!' is out now!
Passing observations 243
The `Epidemic’ of Diabetes was Predicted, Deliberate and Avoidable
What is the Royal Society of Arts' Policy on Truth and Free Speech?
When oxygen kills
An epidemic of medical errors
Old Man in an Old Car - out now!
Passing observations 242
Never trust a psychiatrist
Passing observations 241
Facemasks are coming back - as I warned two weeks ago
A Population control plan?
They want to kill you - here's how they'll do it (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest shocking video)
Uncomfortable covid truths
They want to kill us (by Dr Jack King)
Vaccination against whooping cough
Passing observations 240
'Grovelling apologies from BBC, YouTube and Google'
Our freedom has gone - probably forever
Passing observations 239
FREE pdf book to download on the dangers of face masks
The medical establishment is nearly always wrong
Urgent Message
Passing observations 238
What has the covid vaccine done to the brains of the jabbed?
Doctors who insist on providing only phone or internet consultations are dangerous fools and should be fired
Passing observations 237
Anyone over 60, disabled, chronically ill or poor will probably be dead by 2030
Passing observations 236
Passing observations 235
In 49 years, we've learned nothing
Doctors do more harm than good
Here's what happens when a child starves to death (as in Gaza)
Passing observations 234
How to stop your doctor killing you
Passing observations 233
Vaccine truths from the Medicine Men - published 1975
Now they're offering doctor assisted suicide to children
Passing observations 232
Only you can stop euthanasia
Bad Medicine
Urgent Message: It’ll be too late to fight this threat when you are dead
Passing observations 231
The Awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton
They want to kill you - here's how they'll do it
At least two thirds of tests and investigations ordered by doctors...
Passing obervations 230
The shocking story of my Dad's death
The Oil is Running Out: Your Personal Survival Plan
Nuclear war is coming (first broadcast March 2023)
Is this our future?
How drug companies deceive doctors
Warning about YouTube
Patients hold first ever national strike
Passing Observations 229
Animal experiments: illogical, unscientific and pointless
Review of `The Great Covid Panic’ by Colin M Barron
Passing observations 228
Conspiracies, Cancer, Chemotherapy and Kate
How Drug Companies Control Doctors
Improve Your Wordpower (Part Two)
All sudden, unexplained, deaths are covid vaccine deaths unless proved otherwise
Medicines can be among our greatest curses
Working on the mind
Genetic Research is Too Dangerous and Should be Stopped
Long Covid: Another successful Fraud
We are all Palestinians now
The collaborators will kill us all
Prediction made in August 2020
Joe Biden's White House wants to ban my book
How doctors have betrayed patients
America - at war with the world
Soon there will be no farms (it's part of their "Terrifying Plan")
British MPs are Wrong – the Dangers of the Covid Vaccine were exposed in December 2020, not February 2021
Doctors and Nurses can kill anyone over 70. Soon they’ll be allowed to kill anyone over 50. And then…
We can force a public debate about the covid fraud
I warned that the covid jab would damage the brain back in 2021. Everyone laughed. No one is laughing now
Medical Research Should Stop Now (And We Should Use What We Know)
The Drug Industry’s Aggressive Reputation Began with Pfizer in the 1950s and 1960s
Help me Prove to the World that Governments Faked a Disease, Faked a Test and Faked a Remedy
We should embrace nuclear power - it's the only sensible option
Passing observations 227
Here's how they are forcing us to stay prisoners in our homes
Climbing trees at 112 years of age
The underestimated power of the placebo
Note re Piers Morgan and censorshop
New Book - Vernon Coleman's Dictionary of Old English Words and Phrases
Alzheimer's Disease and the myths about dementia
Bodypower - the secret of self-healing
Please visit our bookshop
This is the end (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video)
Passing observations 226
Passing observations 225
Passing observations 224
Passing observations 223
Passing observations 222
Drinking tap water could kill you (or worse)
Passing observations 221
Passing observations 220
Anyone supporting Israel is supporting genocide and should be arrested
Royal Society of Arts expelled me...
Passing observations 219
Vernon Coleman's dictionary of Old English words and phrases
If the covid jab was a trial run...
Is this the beginning of the end - the year the conspirators have been preparing for?
Medical establishment puzzled - why are so many pregnant women dying?
Passing observations 218
My video story: banned, suppressed and blocked
Twelve truths everyone should know but no-one else will tell you (transcript of video)
How women doctors destroyed...
Passing observations 217
The hottest year ever and other surprising stuff
Doctors who insist on providing only...
Christmas presents for everyone
Our Christmas break
Now available - Mrs Caldicot's Omnibus edition
A 35-year-old prediction
The richest are leaving the country
Covid-19 and vaccination horrors
Prescription drugs: Is nothing new?
Does Israel really believe all humane, caring, intelligent individuals are...
Worst thing of all
Taking prescription medicine safely
Now available - Mrs Caldicot's Omnibus edition
Covid-19 - How they used lies to terrify millions
Gaza - hidden truths
Doctors are planning an entirely new form of health care
Passing observations 216
Stuff the BBC might have forgotten to mention
Coleman's first law of medicine
Israel, Jews and anti-semitism
Passing observations 215
Mainstream media - blinkered, complacent and hypocritical
How many patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis are really suffering from B12 deficiency?
Is your operation really necessary?
A mother's covid revenge
Doctors, patients, pharmacists and prescribing
Bigger breasts without surgery
Passing observations 214
Four books about Mrs Caldicot (Cabbage War fame)
Know Yourself
Blatant discrimination in health care
Screening for breast cancer
Passing observations 213
Why Israel REALLY invaded Gaza - the shocking truth behind the genocide
Genetically altered food - beware
Vital stuff you might not know
Balancing the books - extract
Israeli soldiers find these items in Gaza hospital
Criticising Israel is NOT the same as criticising Jews
A dozen little known but prolific Wikipedia editors
British Medical Association
It's not anti-semitism you moronic, evil bastards
World Economic Forum stripped naked
Ten dieting excuses
Passing observations 212
Wicked, wicked doctors
Anastrozole - Here we go again
Tasters and Teasers
Passing observations 211
The Benzodiazepine letters (taken from 'The Benzos Story')
More Than Enough
Show me the way to go home
Bucket Lists
Think about this...
Everlasting wars
More heartfelt thoughts on Gaza
Bookshop on
Israel: A rogue nation practising the worst genocide the world has seen for 75 years
Listen to your body
When free speech ended
UK Government's covid-19 inquiry - frightened of the truth
Truth Teller: The Price - The Introduction
All 15 of The Young Country Doctor Bilbury books are available in paperback and on ebooks
New War Order
How ruthless censorship hid the covid genocide (the transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video)
How today's doctors are killing their patients
How and when doctors learned to kill
This deadly disease is commoner than doctors think - and frequently missed.
Are you consumed by fear?
The Secret History of the Cabal
How to keep your heart healthy
Their Terrifying Plan
Why you should never eat another meal
Stop press news
Should you get a second opinion?
Are you suffering from toxic stress?
Why women won't live longer than men in the future
Why women live longer than men
A Mother's Covid Revenge
Coleman's 4th Law of Medicine: Health screening and check-ups do more harm than good
Here's proof those summer fires were arson - not climate change
Passing observations 210
Peter Mark Roget (1779-1969)
Notice re
Conquer heart disease without pills or surgery
Passing observations 209
Surgery: What patients must know
How drug companies cheat, lie and deceive
A Needle for a Needle: A mother's covid revenge
Coleman's 2nd Law of Medicine: tests are useless unless the results will affect your treatment
How to survive the future
How IBS can affect your heart
How to save the NHS
Dieting Myths
GPs kill retail but hospitals kill wholesale
Passing observations 208
Passing observations 207
They don't want us to travel anywhere
Dr Mohammad Adil still needs your help
Passing observations 206
The collaborators will kill us all (full transcript of video)
Passing observations 205
The collaborators will kill us all
Passing observations 204
The truth about the Germ Theory controversy
Passing observations 203
The 10 biggest and most dangerous lies (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video on Bitchute)
Latest on lockdowns: The Royal Society is wrong
Why I'm ashamed of the medical profession
Truth about holistic medicine
Passing observations 202
Learn to know yourself
Vernon Coleman's new video
Passing observations 201
Have Sridhar and Spring apologised yet?
Laws about dogs
Shock - scientists prove clear differences between covid and flu
Passing observations 200
Dishonesty in medical research
Chemotherapy: Fruadulent and deadly?
When progress isn't progress at all
Ten solid gold reasons why I despise drug company employees
The shocking story of the Trans Pacific Partnership
Their terrifying plan - unmasking the globalists
Like I need a hole in the head...
Passing observations 199
Passing observations 198
Passing observations 197
Watch Fall of the Cabal part 27
Passing observations 196
Why women with breast cancer should avoid...
The awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton
Bodypower: the secret of self-healing
Passing observations 195
The Medicine Men
Twenty things you must do in Paris
Passing observations 194
A doctor's challenge to the BMA
'Their Terrifying Plan'
The startling truth about vaccination...
My first operation
Passing observations 193
The UK is the home of censorship
How they are destroying millions of lives
Learn to know yourself
Hospitals aren't safe for the sick
Passing observations 192
Application form for a job with the BBC
Betrayal of trust
NATO: The most evil organisation on earth?
Passing observations 191
Everyone in Nato is a war criminal
Does Boris Johnson now want to be US President?
Passing observations 190
The benzodiazepine evidence
An epidemic of state sanctioned euthanasia
Passing observations 189
Passing observations 188
BMA joins Vernon Coleman in attacking the GMC
Passing observations 187
The Lancet and the drug industry
Passing observations 186
Deadly covid jab will kill more than will die in the Ukraine
Passing observations 185
Have you ever wondered why the sky is so full of chemtrails?
President John F Kennedy - Murderer, cheat, crook and general fraudster
Passing observations 184
Hidden truths about the war in Ukraine
The secret behind re-wilding
Passing observations 183
Just stop oil nutters
Diabetes epidemic caused by covid-19 jab
Report condemning cricket is over-woke and could create problems
Watch Fall of the Cabal part 27
High blood pressure can be controlled without drugs
Labour Party Leader Keir Starmer Has Promised to Push Up Fuel Prices and Kill Loads of People
Passing observations 182
Passing observations 181
Does NATO want Russia to nuke London?
Passing observations 180
In future no-one will dare speak out
I was right to warn about soaring inflation and interest rates
Passing observations 179
The social credit nightmare is NOW on your street
Ten ways Antoinette will know I've gone potty
Passing observations 177
Do not resuscitate
Why the cost of oil, gas and electricity will continue to rise
Facts about covid
Passing observations 178
Lockdowns: The final analysis
Only idiots are still wearing face masks
How to conquer arthritis
Passing observations 176
How you can stop your doctor killing you
Is the W.H.O. the Terrorist Wing of the U.N.? (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video)
My submission to Covid-19 public enquiry
BBC verify team - frightened of the truth?
Crooks, liars, deceivers, war criminals and more
Passing observations 175
Send Aldi back to Germany
Despatches from the front line
Passing observations 174
Passing observations 173
Do they want you to stop drinking milk and eat grasshoppers instead?
Passing observations 172
Passing observations 171
Passing observations 170
A Scary story
Can you control your high blood pressure
Questions and Answers No. 1
The single decision which destroyed health care
Ukraine war - there are just four options
Scary Truths
Passing observations 169
Vernon Coleman challenges entire BBC Verify Team
Passing observations 168
The whooping cough vaccine
Commenest lies told by climate change psychos
Dishonesty in medical research
Stuff you need to know about money
Passing observations 167
BBC linked (via Bill Gates) to Jeffrey Epstein
The story of Henry Mulligan
You probably won't learn any of this from the BBC, YouTube or other pro-conspiracy propaganda sites
Natural pain control: overcoming persistent and recurrent pain
Passing observations 166
Why and how doctors kill more people than cancer
Passing observations 165
Finding a doctor is going to get easier but when you've found one she won't actually be a doctor
Passing observations 164
Insane is now the new normal
Passing observations 163
How to protect and preserve your freedom, identity and privacy
Passing observations 162
Eating meat is as bad for you as smoking
Here's how you can help save 140 million lives today
If you live in Britain it's time consider emigrating
You may find this hard to believe but it's all true
Passing observations 161
WHO ends the covid hoax with the biggest lie of all
All 15 Bilbury books are available in paperback and ebook versions
Christians under fire
A bigger problem than climate change - and much scarier
Climate change whingers aren't just idiots - they're psychos and murderers
Alzheimer's - a very profitable, oversold disease
Passing observations 160
We are stalked by evil
Truths that should terrify the life out of you
Know how you can measure your pain
The EU is buying Russian oil again
The awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton
A bank, a 93-year-old woman and the end of civilisation as we know it
No one except the globalists will be allowed to grow old
Passing observations 159
The end of cash is terrifyingly close - why don't people care?
Advice for IBS sufferers
Globalists and the EU are now deliberately starving Africans
Passing observations 158
Inflation isn't going away - it's going to get worse
How to conquer arthritis
Shocking truths about your money (part 2 of 2)
Shocking truths about your money (part 1 of 2)
Is the BBC the most corrupt broadcaster in the world?
Scarcely believable but achingly true
The ten dirtiest and most offensive words in the English language
Passing observations 157
If you have a smart phone you're about to become its prisoner
This is Orwell's eternal war
Don't use YouTube
What to do with the greens
High blood pressure CAN be controlled without drugs
Why is failure now so rewarded
Join us in the village of Bilbury
Dementia myths
NHS: What is wrong and how to put it right
You are not alone
Your home will become a stranded asset
Here's how they tricked people into wanting to work at home
Passing observations 155
A most uncomfortable truth
A ban is a ban is a ban
Think about this...
Essential escapes
World War III update (3rd April 2023)
Truths the mainstream media forgot to mention about the energy crisis
I know and can prove what is causing sudden death syndrome
There has been a global coup (part three)
All covid jab deaths are murder or suicide
There has been a global coup (part two)
Passing observations 153
There has been a global coup (part one)
What could possibly go wrong?
Now they're taking the piss
How to conquer backache
Passing observations 152
Chips under your skin
Is the General Medical Council just an enforcer for the drug industry?
Join Vernon Coleman on Bitchute - and receive notifications of new videos
Passing observations 151
Help for anyone with IBS or stomach problems
Nuclear war is coming!
The CIA, the FBI and their bots and the mainstream media claim that covid-19...
Half price audio offer
Is it me or has the world gone mad?
How inflation destroys savings
From bank crash to digital currency and 15 minute cities
Know yourself
Passing observations 150
Challenge to Ara Darzi
Passing observations 149
Sale of the century
Money, money, money
World War III Update (17th March 2023)
Rational thoughts in an irrational world
How to relax and overcome stress
World War III Update (15th March 2023)
Passing observations 148
The Young Country Doctor Book 1: Bilbury Chronicles
Irrepressible truths
There will be no war if...
World War III update (March 13th 2023)
Is the BBC corrupt or simply dangerous?
The real inflation figure in the UK is now over 35%
Georgia is the next Ukraine
Was covid made in a lab?
Passing observations 147
World War III update (10 March 2023)
Personal Note
Know Yourself
Passing observations 146
Dirty big secrets
Have you seen this video?
Biden, Sunak, Marcron, Trudeau et al are all leading us into nuclear war
Mainstream media at work
World War III Update (7 March 2023)
Who could have possibly done such a thing?
A message to the jabbed - new video
A message to the jabbed (transcript of video)
How Gordon Brown helped destroy the NHS
Vernon Coleman's latest video
Hungry Broke Dead (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video)
Passing observations 145
The madness never ends
Anaesthetics: Why you are in great danger
ESG - a potent force for evil
Uncovered secrets
A prediction from 1988
Passing observations 144
Books to help you understand and fight the Great Reset
British war criminal demands digital ID for all citizens
Grain from Ukraine is being used to feed pigs not people
More stuff the BBC and YouTube may have forgotten to tell you
These are the real reasons why cancer rates are soaring
Hospitals are deliberately blocking their own beds
Frankenstein's monster is back with Dr Colin Barron
Do you want a superbody?
How many billion could the covid-19 vaccine kill or damage? (first published August 12 2020)
Alice's Diary and other cat books available in paperback
Passing observations 143
How I hope to survive the NHS's latest attempt to kill me
We should welcome global warming
Nations are taking sides - as World War III continues unnoticed
The last time I was allowed to talk about vaccines on mainstream radio
Passing observations 142
Banned by The People newspaper
Passing observations 141
Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies
Urgent warning for everyone (transcript of Vernon Coleman's shocking new video)
More eminent experts to be banned by youtube and google?
Genetic research - a warning from 1977
Passing observations 140
Vaccine truths -from The Medicine Men (published 1975)
The end of cash - coming very soon
The story of the Medicine Men (1975) - the book that changed my life
Passing observations 139
Most of the jabbed will die early
Ten symptoms associated with covid-19 and ten symptoms associated with the covid-19 jab
Thoughts on vaccination
Passing observations 138
Passing observations 137
The world is far more corrupt than you feared
Covid jabs: Unspeakable truths
Madness is infectious: There's an epidemic of it
Promoters and supporters of the covid jabs should be in prison
Stuff the BBC forgot to tell you
Mending the NHS: stop paying doctors extra to give vaccinations
World War III has officially started
Doctors want you to do tests and investigations at home
What went wrong with the NHS
AIDS - The true story
Proof UK Government is (as predicted) deliberately pushing up fuel prices
We're heading for nuclear war
They want your money AND your life
The truth behind the lies
Passing observations 136
Murdered for her bed (transcript of Vernon Coleman's video)
Non English footballers are guilty of...
Scary truths about doctors
You couldn't make it up
The twelve biggest conspiracy theories
12 things doctors know but won't tell you
Here's how the UK Government is killing the elderly
Living in a fascist country
The green energy fraud
Passing observations 135
Plastic bags - the startling official truth
The peer review system is worthless and dangerous
Betrayal of trust
Masks never went away - now they're back big time
Sorting recycling is playing the conspirators' game
Happy Christmas to all readers and viewers
Is this Sir Klaus Schwab's Christmas message?
What's going to happen in 2023? (transcript of Vernon Coleman's video)
Proof that face masks do more harm than good
Tying it all together (transcript of Vernon Coleman's video)
Dr Colin Barron has a brilliant new video out
More Christmas books
Relief from IBS (Revised edition)
Beware: Gordon is still a moron and he's back
Prince Harry's Christmas message
The end of Royal Mail and daily postal deliveries?
Why demonstrating nurses who wear uniforms in the street are reckless and lethal
Crooks, murderers and idiots
Meghan and Harry: Is a dangerous folie a deux helping the conspirators?
A nurses' strike will murder thousands
How will anyone know if GPs go on strike?
Long covid - another successful fraud
What's the covid jab doing to the recipient's brain?
They're going to starve and freeze us all to death (first published 1st July 2020)
The jabbed are seriously at risk of developing cancer
Sack all GPs now to save lives
Why did the mainstream media suppress the news about doctors giving covid jabs to babies and infants?
Insanity and hypocrisy are now endemic
A third of all jobs will disapper by 2030 - how safe is your job?
The truth about the Strep A scare
Were these coordinated strikes planned by conspirators
We're all stuffed. If you live in Britain you're very stuffed
Racism is a weapon in the push towards the Great Reset
Christmas books
Dementia is not the same as Alzheimer's
Watch Dr Colin Barron's brilliant new video
My NHS book a staggering success - thank you!
Curing the NHS
Vernon Coleman: What the papers said (before March 2020)
Chemotherapy: The scary, staggering truth about the chemotherapy fraud
Struggling to survive in a world of unceasing madness
Did you vote totalitarianism?
Germany, Konrad Adenauer the EU and the Nazis
Universal darkness is coming our way fast
Covid-19 jabs - Never before have we been in so much danger (video transcript)
Vernon Coleman's new video
Climate change is a malicious, dangerous myth
Why I think the The Spectator magazine whould be ashamed
Incontestable proof that covid-19 jabs are a dangerous, reckless fraud and more dangerous than the disease
If you want the truth about the recession in the UK
Outside looking in
No heroes, plenty of villains
Burn before reading
Dr Colin Barron is back
NHS: What is wrong and how to put it right in one hour
Toxic stress - a deadly epidemic
Covid-19 - How the greatest crime in history unfolded
Your government is your enemy
Covid-19 jabs - a fraud and a scandal
Only God can help us now
They're deliberately destroying Britain - will the zombies ever wake up?
The video that first exposed the covid-19 fraud
Passing observations 134
Medical tests are useless unless the results will affect your treatment
Vaccines - the suppression of the truth
What's happening to your money?
The fake Long Covid plague
One jab to stop you getting the flu and the other jab to stop you getting the other flu
News about Vernon Coleman's videos
My first operation
The conspirators, the collaborators and the cultists are laughing at us
The world isn't just running out of oil, but it is also running out of just about all natural resources
Everything is now going to get much worse
Things are never going back to normal
Truss mugged millions of pensioners who will now live and die in abject poverty
It's all about the oil running out
This is what's going to happen next
Tighten your belt: you are in for a very bumpy ride
How to keep your immune system strong
Passing observations 133
If you're taking a prescribed drug you must read this
Now we know: the conspirators want World War III
Like I need a hole in the head
Pro-vax enthusiasts are a serious threat to public health
Doctors are allowed to kill you if you can't manage your own housework and shopping
Passing observations 132
Hospitals are not suitable places for sick people (if you must go into one you should get out as quickly as possible
Why the cost of oil, gas and electricity will go up and up
Banned covid-19 book available in paperback and e-book
Why infectious diseases are a huge problem (again)
Passing observations 131
I reckon the covid-19 jab has lowered the average IQ by 20 points
Things the BBC forgot to mention
Everything that is going wrong was planned by the conspirators
Don't ask me to cheer the doctors who are now speaking out about the covid-19 jabs
How advertisers create toxic stress
GPs kill retail but hospitals kill wholesale
Passing observations 130
How much do you know about vaccination?
Care home and hospital patients are routinely drugged without their knowledge - and it's perfectly legal
Britain is now officially a Third World country
Energy hypocrisy and stupidity
Covid-19: The greatest hoax in history
High blood pressure can be reduced without drugs
Passing observations 129
If you're over 50 your government wants you dead
Passing observations 128
Wikipedia fined for misinformation
Why and how the conspirators are winning the war for our freedom and our souls
Do you have too much stuff?
Vaccine truths
Iatrogenic disease - the secret epidemic
Where to find Vernon Coleman's videos
How doctors and nurses betrayed patients and themselves
How to understand your medical notes
Predictions for the coming winter
Passing observations 127
It's time to get rid of the royals
Where have all the videos gone?
Slavery is born of socialism
The EU was created by Nazis
Who said 'Deprive them all of food and water'
Your body can heal itself in 9 out of 10 illnesses
Passing observations 126
Oil and gas prices are going to continue to soar for years to come
There will be no more Christmases
The New World Order is already here
The UK's energy price control is part of the Great Reset
NHS: What's wrong and how to put it right (and replace it with something better)
Animals exhibit altruistic behaviour
The money is running out
Things you should know about traditional vaccines
Here's how they'll bankrupt you
Doctors get their timing wrong
Passing observations 125
An embarrassment of truths
Too many lies and not enough sense
Just when you think things can't get any worse
The Return of the Care Home Massacre
Mrs Caldicot
Show me the way to go home
NHS: What's wrong and how to put it right
Your Horror Scope
Explosive interview
AIDS DENIAL - What I wrote about AIDS
The truth about inflation
Now that I am Prime Minister
Age is a state of mind
Doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 jab will be tried as war criminals
The recycling scam
The case books of Dr John Snow
Open letter to Dave Van Zandt of Media Bias Fact Check
Passing observations 124
The startling history of polio vaccination
Too many lies, not enough truths
This proven anti-cancer drug is ignored by doctors and drug companies - you can buy it for pennies
Most patients with dementia are curable
Drug companies - just a bit crooked or thoroughly evil?
The Boris Johnson diet book
When will they close the internet?
The General Medical Council: The charity that helped destroy British General Practice
Beyond the nightmare - the Great Reset gets closer every day
What I said about lockdowns in April 2020
Passing observations 123
They don't want you to own a home
It's a myth that people are living longer
Doctors want more money to kill people with covid jabs
Passing observations 122
Psychiatry: Black magic masquerading as science
The Great Reset is coming fast and nothing will ever be the same again
A deliberately engineered quasi biblical scenario
Daniel Defoe - A hero for all times
21 reasons for being a vegetarian
A drug company, the EU and a hero
Will the lunacy never stop?
I warned about soaring inflation and interest rates in 2020. So, what's next? (transcript of Dr Coleman's latest video on
Curing heart disease without pills or surgery
Things you need to know...
Passing observations 121
How to become an authorised fact checker
Dearer still is truth
Passing observations 120
A bigger problem than climate change
This time next year you'll be living in China
The plain covid truth
Proof of the lie
Vaccines have never been safe or effective
Promises, promises!
Suitable reading only for those with LOW blood pressure
They're going to starve us and freeze us to death
Passing observations 119
New scary flu jab coming
The person most likely to kill you is your doctor
Insanity rules
Alzheimer's disease and the dementia myth
Global warming: the history
Comrade Susan Mitchie, the WHO and a world I no longer understand
You can't make this stuff up
Social credit forcing us into a dystopian, digital world
Nothing is happening by accident (transcript of Dr Vernon Coleman's video on
New rules about protests and demonstrations in the UK
Only morons wear masks
Mainstream media has committed suicide
Passing observations 118
Why everyone wants to be on television
The madness is getting worse
Why I'll always be a vegetarian
Covid-19 - Exposing the Lies
Very scary global health and weather warming
Any candidate is better than Sunak for Prime Minister
Animals have much better survival instincts than we do
Passing observations 117
Truths the mainstream media need to know
Not the Klaus Schwab Secret Diary
How they plan to bankrupt us all
How to be a journalist - tips for BBC staff
Vote Coleman for Britain's next Prime Minister
Exercise and arthritis
My secret years with Elvis
Have you been put on a death list?
Passing observations 116
Testing the covid-19 vaccines in a laboratory
Britain's next Prime Minister - Sir Klaus 'Anal' Schwab
We're all being governed by psychopathic morons
BBC bans climate change advocates from all its programmes
Here's what the drug companies...
I'm really getting fed up with global warming fruitcakes
The monkey in the room
The great betrayal (video transcription)
The end of birds
Passing observations 115
The biggest and most powerful lie doctors tell
Hospitals told to starve foreigners to death to save money
Two reasons why England is stuffed
The end of cars?
Passing observations 114
A doctors strike will reduce deaths - here's the proof
We have six months left
Female hormones in drinking water have created...
The gender war
Why I'm terrified - and why you should be terrified too
We're living in a totalitarian society - here's the proof
Passing observations 113
Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War - excerpt
Possible causes of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Polio back in the UK - but is it thanks to Bill Gates?
Ten basic facts about animal experiments
They want to give the next covid jab without clinical data
And now taxpayers will have to pay billions...
Suppressed, banned and demonised
How inflation is leading us into the Great Reset
They're leading us into global slavery
How to lift safely
Nothing is happening by accident
Demonising the elderly
How I believe the General Medical Council has helped destroy health care
Who is really responsible for Julian Assange's extradition?
UPDATED June 17th 2022 - How many are the vaccines killing? (This article has been regularly updated since its first appearance on this website since the 19th January 2021 but we first started warning about the side effects of the covid-19 jabs in November 2020)
Passing observations 112
A bleeding wonder
Know how to measure your pain
Betrayed by the Bank of England
Learn to laugh to control pain
Nightmare on your Street (the transcript of Dr Vernon Coleman's latest video on
Passing observations 111
The death of health care in Britain
One Health on 21st Century Wire
The scam of the century
The Ativan story
How the media is still misleading people
Passing observations 110
The smallpox scare
Microwave ovens - a menace to your health
Nonsense upset me
Poverty and death
Can you mix private medical care and NHS medical care?
Most experts are bought
Passing observations 109
How diet helps arthritis sufferers
Are you suffering from the 21st century blues?
Passing observations 108
Reasons for becoming a vegetarian
Sunak's war on pensioners continues
Dementia warning
Partygate - they knew they could party because they knew covid was a fraud
More evidence the world has gone mad
Dr Zac Cox 13 : Conspirators 1
Progress in general practice...
Monkeypox - should it be spelt moneypox?
Passing observations 107
The WHO plan to take over the world
This needs to be stopped now! (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video on
The clock is ticking loudly
Why does the BBC exist?
I was right to warn about the lockdowns
Everything you should know about animal experiments?
Passing observations 106
Questions and Answers No. 1
Into disaster...
The benzodiazepine story
Passing observations 105
Explosive interview
Fact checking the fact checkers
The great 'public health' grift
Deadly deception exposed
How heat helps with the relief of arthritis
The truth about children, hepatitis and the covid jab (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video on
Now PayPal joins in book banning
Alert: Medicine shortages
Listen to Vernon Coleman's explosive, new interview with Patrick Henningsen
The conspirators are starving the world
Passing observations 104
Open letter to Piers Morgan
BBC does it again
Electric cars are dangerous and should be banned
Choosing the biscuits
Why doctors wear bowties
Banned covid-19 book available at last
Why THEY need World War III (Transcript of the video on
The end of education
Passing observations 103
The truth about long covid
Another lie from Boris Johnson
They want to get rid of cash for a reason
Vernon Coleman - what the papers say
Benzodiazepine evidence
Passing observations 102
The Italian version of my book 'Proof Face Masks do More Harm than Good'
Ten organisations I think we would be better without
Tales of compensation
Passing observations 101
Wicked, mad or stupid or all three?
Do the conspirators now want World War III?
Passing observations 100
Children are being destroyed
Government admits PCR is useless
Passing observations 99
Why aren't Biden and Johnson being treated as war criminals?
We have eight months (transcript of Vernon Coleman's latest video on
Antibiotic resistance - A problem ignored
Where nursing went wrong
Passing obervations 98
Sunak: a bigger threat to the elderly than midazolam
Is this what the Great Reset looks like?
The PCR test can kill you
The propaganda war
The lies, deceits and hypocrisy of climate change
Calling all UK health workers...
Passing observations 97
Is this how they plan to steal and sell your DNA?
The horrors of social credit
Passing observations 96
Coleman's 12th law of medicine
They're using DNR notices to turn hospitals into death camps
So what's coming next?
Passing observations 95
Message to Sky News: London is no freer than Moscow
Something else the BBC forgot to mention
Now will you take me seriously?
Important message for journalists covering the invasion of Ukraine
You need a mugger's wallet
If you care about freedom, time is running out
The rhythm and the blues
Schwab's Law
Covid jabs could cause serious health issues among the CHILDREN of the jabbed
Passing observations 94
Pfizer in 1961
Medical heretics book
Our governments have declared war on us
Scary stuff you might have missed
It's now time to arrest the guilty doctors who gave the covid jabs
Virtue signalling the new plague
Passing observations 93
Attack Attack Attack
The Great Reset is getting closer
They will own everything and be happy
Home surgery to become a reality
The bodypower principle
The abusive tweets continue
Goodbye free speech
NHS should be closed
What does banned really mean?
Passing observations 92
Eat up your greens
Is your country now run by a psychopath?
What is the war really about?
Social credit update
Covid in the beginning
Passing observations 91
The long covid fraud
Eleven jolly bits of news!
Chronic Maskitis (transcript of Dr Coleman's video on
Passing observations 90
Don't let them kill the kids (transcript of the video on
Edwin Chadwick saved more lives than...
Passing observations 89
The Advertising Standards Authority
What are they afraid of? (transcript of Dr Coleman's latest video on brand new tube)
Scary covid stuff
Cyclists should pay £100 annual road tax
We should respect the elderly
Passing observations 88
The war on cancer patients
How to remember
Transcript to: Myocarditis Cover-up Exposed (video on
Passing observations 87
The elderly are being drugged
Teachers are responsible for creating compliant fools and unquestioning idiots
Radio interview
Challenge to the BBC, ITV and Sky
Passing observations 86
It's time to be terrified
Vernon Coleman's autobiography
Warning to fake telegram sites
Covid jabbing scheme a disaster in the UK
BBC Question Time - pathetic and disgraceful
NHS staff should contact
How social workers operate
The oil crisis is growing daily
Why government leaders are deliberately being made unpopular
Passing observations 85
How wikipedia detroys and deceives
Medical and nursing staff showing their priorities
Chronic maskitis
Harry, spotify and misinformation
Passing observations 84
Daft covid sign
More stupidity in The Guardian
Proof there was never a pandemic in 2020
Best buy dates no longer matter for the covid jab
Boycott BBC Question Time
Why has it taken...
There are more unvaccinated people than you think
The wake-up video - for family or friends who need to know the truth behind the covid fraud
Twenty point plan for avoiding food poisoning
Vernon Coleman's new video coming soon
Your sixth sense
Passing observations 83
Disappearing videos
Australian Open should no longer be...
Hand sanitisers can still kill you
The Royals - What a family!
The truth about ethanol
We should introduce personal accountability for public employees
Passing observations 82
Everyone working in health care in the UK must read this...
Covid Cobblers
BBC news boss jokes
Telegram sites are nothing to do with me
Dr Colin's Barron's videos
YouTube stupid as well as evil
Truth about Vitamin D was banned by YouTube
How I used YouTube to promote BrandNewTube
Passing observations 81
20 facts about vaccination
Why I think the price of oil and gas...
Sport and covid
Undeniable but startling news about 5G
Dr Mohammed Adil
Tony Blair - war criminal
A cruel and sickening witch hunt
A disaster waiting to happen
Passing observations 80
Survival tip
Telegram: Urgent Message
The scariest video I've ever made
Covid facts
Brits will on average live nine months less
How the media distorts the truth
Show me the way to go home
Masks and your human rights (free leaflet)
Scotland is creating alcoholics galore
Passing observations 79
Passing observations 78
The secrets of the cough
We are winning the war!
A simple dilemma
Essential notes about vaccines and vaccination
My nightmare
Passing observations 77
What do you know about vaccination?
Passing observations 76
a href="precovid.htm" target="content"> Children and pre-covid vaccines
Dr Vernon Coleman's Wednesday Review - episode 6 (December 15th 2021)
What's the covid jab doing to the brain?
We are the 99%
Thoughts on vaccines
Here's why the jabbed will die early
Injury time
Vaccine facts
Compulsory vaccination
Dr Coleman's Wednesday Review - episode five (December 8th 2021)
Traditional vaccines kill and injure
Fiona Hine
Passing Observations 75
Please help this brave doctor
Starve a fever
Dr Vernon Coleman's Wednesday Review - Episode Four (December 1st 2021)
Explosive interview with Patrick Henningsen
Evidence that Pfizer KNEW the covid jab will kill thousands
Passing Observations 74
The water is boiling
Dr Vernon Coleman's Wednesday Review Episode Three (24th November 2021)
The miracle of the placebo
Passing observations 73
Finally! Medical proof that the covid-19 jab is 'murder'
Where we're heading (Awakening Conference)
Central eating control
Passing observations 72
Dr Vernon Coleman's Wednesday Review Episode Two
Hospital and health care are better run privately
Mind over matter
Passing observations 71
Wednesday Review - Episode one 10th November 2021
Earth Newspaper - a major source of information
Dr Vernon Coleman's Wednesday Review
Coleman's 10th law of medicine
Passing observations 70
Evil politicians have made a mistake at last
Passing observations 69
Explosive Interview
A nice cup of fluoride
Twenty ways to kick ass if you're over 60
Your body knows best
Dr Colin Barron - watch and read
Passing observations 68
Leave global warming protestors alone
Global warming: lies, fraud and hypocrisy in Glasgow
Lies and deceits from the food industry
The threat of genetically engineered food is now greater than ever
Masks are destroying the development of babies
Meat causes cancer
Advice for those who have been jabbed
Passing observations 67
Drug companies own the medical profession
Covid-19 jab: they knew children would die
Debbie Hicks needs your help
Passing observations 66
GPs: Betrayal, genocide and the truth
Keep reading and watching to see what comes next
Passing observations 65
Autism and Vaccination
The UK's Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979
Thoughtless hospital staff
Scary stuff you should know No 3
You'll be drinking granny soon!
Scary stuff you should know No2
More evil from big pharma
Passing Observations 64
What we could learn from animals
Scary stuff you should know
Know your body
More evidence they want you dead
Passing observations 63
YouTube and Vernon Coleman
How the UK government made sure private hospitals didn't intefere with the covid genocide
Private eye and Vernon Coleman
More evidence of covid genocide
Behind the news
The pension scandal
The end of the internet is approaching fast
The unmasking of pandora
Coleman's 9th law: doctors and nurses know less than you think
A nice cup of flouride
Dr Vernon Coleman and the General Medical Council
Finding petrol
Passing observations 62
Will it be the footballers...
Time is running out fast
Passing observations 61
Is this proof the covid jab programme is genocide?
It's time to get angry
The worst cold ever
Why they created a fuel crisis
Shocking, urgent news - share widely
Passing observations 60
Passing observations 59
Walking around in circles
Vernon's factchecker 2
Newspapers are finished
Passing observations 58
Nobody is coming to save us
We're fighting a war - join Vernon's army
Fighting the campaign against cash
The one eyed man
The jabbed and the mask wearers are selfish
Awakened Pages
A Stand in the Park
Passing observations 57
The abandoned ones
Freedom - you must read this
Passing observations 56
Vernon's factchecker: for those who care about the truth
Passing observations 55
Covid jab is up to six times as deadly to boys as covid-19
The government thinks that your child's life is worth £10
Vernon Coleman barred by linkedin for telling the truth
Coleman's 8th law - your government doesn't care about your health
NEW! Free PDF of Vernon Coleman's latest book called, 'Covid-19: Exposing the Lies
Ten diseases for which drugs are over-prescribed
UK Government attacks the elderly again
Passing observations 54
Passing observations 53
How they are going to blame the 'anti-vaxxers'… (Please share this shocking video entitled 'James Corbett Red Alert: False Flag Incoming, so that we can prevent it from happening - brand new tube)
Social credit is here
It will soon be too late for the children
Passing observations 52
Apartheid, ghetto or enslavement
Linkedin suppresses the truth
Passing observations 51
Coleman's 7th law of medicine
Piers Corbyn needs and deserves your help
Fascism or communism
Wikipedia 'thoroughly corrupt' says co-founder
Global warming - the fraud behind the covid fraud
Replies to the liars, the shills and the backstabbers
Masks cause cancer - here's the proof
Coleman's 6th law of medicine: hospitals are not safe for sick people
Green coal - another global warming scam?
Singapore government pays big money to people damaged by the covid-19 jab
What to do with GPs who won't see unvaccinated patients
The horrors of social credit - coming soon!
Passing observations 50
Hypocrisy Rules
What's happening in Afghanistan is no accident
Pregnant women and the covid jab
Challenge to Jeremy Vine at the BBC
Fakes and cons: people pretending to be me
Passing observations 49
They killed granny - now they're going to kill the kids
Health care is worse today than it was 50 years ago
The lockdowns, the masks, the rules are coming back
When doctors guess
Please read
Coleman's 5th law of medicine
UPDATED 26th July - How many are the vaccines killing?
The healing power of love
Passing Observations 48
A Short Message from Dr Coleman
Guesswork in Medicine
Could you pretend to be a doctor - and get away with it?
This is the battle that could win us the war
The BBC employs 22,000 traitors
Bodypower - the secret of self-healing
A doctor with integrity and courage
Johnson & Johnson - warning
Passing Observations 47
Covid jabs: Deliberately unprofessional and reckless
The MHRA - Nothing changes
Coleman's 4th Law of Medicine: Why medical screenings and health check-ups do more harm than good
Passing observations 46
Coleman's 3rd law of medicine: why a second opinion may save your life
Debbie Hicks
How many children will die because of this woman?
Free PDF of Vernon Coleman's latest book, 'Covid-19: The Fraud Continues'
These ten things will happen next as the conspirators tighten the screw
Passing observations 45
Coleman's 2nd law of medicine: tests are useless unless the results will affect your treatment
When will they shut down the internet?
Passing observations 44
Free blood clots with every covid jab
Coleman's first law of medicine
Most mask wearers will be dead or demented in ten years
There is no such thing as minor surgery
The gates of hell are wide open
Why and how doctors have betrayed patients
Footballer Eriksen and that collapse
Passing observatons 43
We will win this war
Ignorance and prejudice in medicine
Lies on the bbc will result in children dying
Passing observations 42
UK TV presenter...
A narrow escape
The Wuhan confusion
Suppressed, oppressed, banned and hidden
URGENT health privacy news - you must act now!
BBC boasts it is committed to deception
Proof the covid-19 jabs should be stopped now.
Psy-op language - a new way of speaking
Coleman's Laws
Passing observations 41
How the BBC's Panorama programme has betrayed us all
Why no 'proper' country can make covid-19 vaccination mandatory
India's black fungus scare is caused by mask wearing
Time is running out - we must act now!
What planet is this?
Passing Observations 40
Slaughter of the gullible and the innocent
Digital currencies
Passing observations 39
How to stop your doctor killing you
Why and how they plan to kill seven billion
The mask gestapo
Why on earth do people wear masks?
Stress and infection
The fear that doesn't go away
It isn't the weather which has changed - it's the people
Now they want to kill the squirrels
Global warming - woeful predictions keep coming
The truth about test and trace apps
Passing observations 38
Why we must keep using cash
A syringe full of death
My scepticism knows no bounds
Why you can (and should) ignore what is happening in India
The evil global reset billionaires are now controlling our food
I'm losing patience with the zombies
Why I can't go on marches and demonstrations
No coal, no future
Watch 'The Pushback'
Vote for Piers Corbyn
Simple ways to keep your immune system strong
The final, irrefutable proof that the covid-19 pandemic never existed
Passing observations 37
Warning about fact checkers
Passing observations 36
Text for A4 leaflet to print and distribute to those who still believe the Government's lies about covid
The myth of overpopulation
The end of the motor car
Climbing trees at 112
We are the resistance and we will win this war
Klaus Schwab's own words
Cowardly, brain-dead, rancid little runts
Goodbye and thank you
Drug companies do animal experiments because they're useless
Passing Observations 35
This couldn't possibly happen. Could it...
Zombie Apocalypse (the covid fraud summarised in under 17 minutes)
Urgent: Tell the government your views on health passports by 29th March
Things you can do...
The Care Home Murders
Fighting for our lives - we must unite
Award winning santimoniousness
Endgame: The Hidden Agenda 21 (new book out now!)
We're fighting a propaganda war
Mind control is nothing new
Now available:
Which is officially more dangerous: covid-19 or the flu?
Covid-19 vaccines are weapons of mass destruction - and could wipe out the human race
Why I think media doctor Amir Khan is wrong about vaccines
Another week in la-la land
Shocking news regarding the PCR test
Vital revelations about how masks damage children (permanently)
How many who've had the covid-19 jab will still be alive next Christmas?
Betrayed by politicians, betrayed by journalists, betrayed by doctors
Whose jobs will robots take?
How to cut weeks off NHS waiting time
It's a lie that the NHS is in crisis
Let's dump the poison filled queen and the rest of the royal family
Vital survival tips
Spending £19,200 a year on masks
Zinc and your immune system
Flouride in drinking water
My reply to the one-sided BBC Panorama programme on vaccination
The covid-19 jabs could kill more than covid-19
Piers Corbyn - Next Mayor of London
Passing observations 34
'We don't debate with anti-vaxxers whether they're right or wrong' - says the BBC
Proof the NHS is lying - this is genocide and the jabs must stop now!
Is your drinking water contaminated with vaccines?
The PCR test can kill you and can be used to vaccinate you
The evil deception: giving the covid-19 jab without informed consent
Vernon Coleman's response to the demonisation by Wikipedia
Why and when Vernon Coleman resigned as a GP
Three boos for the Daily Telegraph
Passing observations 33
Captain Tom - what really happened...
History must go - especially if it's English
Doctors and nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals
Passing Observations 32
Is Ian Collins of talkRADIO an idiot or dangerous?
Smart cities are coming fast
Proof that social distancing is forever
The NHS is not in crisis
Passing observations 31
The truth about health passports
The biggest false flag operation of all time
Passing Observations 30
The full, scary story of Agenda 21
Passing Observations 29
The death of free speech
Following the science? Don't make me laugh
Essential facts your doctor probably forgot to tell you about the covid-19 vaccine
Dr Colin M Barron
Passing observations 28
The horrors of social credit - coming soon!
The forgotten generation - ignored, mistreated and murdered
Do you need a vitamin D supplement?
Is this going to be the year of the stupid?
Every Sunday 12 noon GMT - A moment of prayer
Richie Allen's new website
When the PCR test is useless for covid-19 (but useful for crooked governments)
Lockdowns killed 91,000 in UK in 2020
Are government advisors afraid of the truth?
Startling covid and flu facts
Passing observations 27
Mixing vaccines is lunacy
Passing Observations 26
Christmas once a month
URGENT information about the covid-19 vaccine
Transcript of the video, 'URGENT information about the covid-19 vaccine'
Make no Mistake - This is Genocide
How wikipedia is used as a weapon
Here's what will happen next...
Covid-19 vaccine possible effects
Is this the last Christmas they'll let us have?
The police will all be redundant in less than two years
Vital information about the covid-19 vaccine
2020 will be our last good year unless...
How they plan to bankrupt us all
The mask-wearing collaborators are going to kill us all
Passing Observations 25
Will masks and social distancing be permanent?
The next fake 'crisis' has been planned
Passing Observations 24
Will life ever be the same again?
What is covid-19 for?
Your government is a terrorist organisation
Proof that masks do more harm than good
They don't want you to know any of this
Debunking the biggest lies they tell
Latest news about old man in a chair
Vernon Coleman's latest covid-19 book banned and retitled
Message from Vernon Coleman
Why politicians and advisors will go to prison
Mask Exemption
Revealed: How the bbc is deliberately...
Passing observations 23
Text for LEAFLET to print and distribute: 19 Truths about covid-19
Text for LEAFLET to print and distribute: AstraZeneca - facts you should know
Text for LEAFLET to print and distibute: GSK facts
Text for LEAFLET to print and distribute: Vaccines the truth
Text for LEAFLET to print and distribute: Why cash is important to your freedom
Text for LEAFLET to print and distribute: Why the coronavirus hoax is a hoax
These are the good old days
The way we will win this war
Patrizia Opulenza
Everything that has happened was meant to happen
Passing Observations 22
Save your elderly relatives and friends
Wifi and cellphone dangers
We're fighting for our lives
Passing Observations 21
This fraud is now blindingly obvious
I'm Back!
We're all prisoners with no signs of parole
Is this how they will use children to create a second wave?
A conspiracy of silence
Ending YouTube
My last YouTube video
A conspiracy of silence
How the coronavirus has permanently destroyed health care
Official mask exemption certificates now available
August 29th 2020 London rally speech
The BBC clearly wants to be defunded
Trafalgar Square 2020 and the police
London Rally 29th August
Guarded secrets and blatant deceits
Nothing is now impossible
Is this fraud ever going to end?
Forbidden Truths
How many billion could the covid-19 vaccine kill or damage?
The plan to create unending misery
Zombies and trolls
Why Genetic Engineering Must Stop
We're the good guys - and good guys win
We are prisoners of war