instead of doomscrolling, i try to spend my time doing healthier things like doomcleaning the house, going for doomwalks, doomgardening, doomcatching up with friends and family, etc


DoomFriending?... Making friends more often? Increasing Trust / Own projects, Repairing Humans / Ourselves...? 

@scott DoomFriending?
I kind of contact people daily as a kind of way to stick together in doom or as reponse to the sinking ship. Not just material stuff, but people... (did I get something wrong?)

I think we find unity in doomscrolling or bashing leaders or even doomXYZ cleaning but we need to do more with people and not just material.

For a bad example of our time invested in promoting bad people, go ahead and look at how many people are on the hashtags *right now* spreading their name and plans but at the same time not doing their own:

How many of those people are

➡️ actually making friends (because of the doom or not),

➡️ incrementing trust and not perpetuating more hate type stuff?

So my own answers are not just cleaning or material related but finding better people and co-creating better people too

(simply co-creating / helping do more together we become better, help repair each other).

Developing people personally is the way for me. Did I get something wrong?

Developing machines / code / computers / repairing material - is limited / overdone.

Who agrees (even if they don't do it or prefer machines) what do you think? 🤔

(Happy to hear more)

It's maybe not obvious from my profile the many contacts I make directly (DMs) but stick with me a bit and voila...


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