Scarcity isn’t real - it’s manufactured.

There’s enough food, housing, and wealth to go around.

The problem isn’t a lack of resources, it’s a lack of will. UBI isn’t radical. Letting people starve in the richest societies in history is.

#UBI #UBI4ME #UniversalBasicIncome #UniversalBasicInvestment #EndPoverty #UBINow #poverty #CostOfLiving #living

@ubi4me My question (based on this post I'm replying to):

❓ If "Scarcity isn’t real - it’s manufactured." then what makes you think another type of catch / scarcity won't be manufactured by the very same people? ❓

Scarcity is most certainly manufactured in the sense that food is being destroyed to keep prices up and a lot of homes stand empty as investments rather than someone living in it. Just imagine if that wasn't the case?

This situation is not directly linked to UBI itself. This could (and will most likely) happen in any capitalistic "system".

What #UBI does though is to give everyone the possibility to run for political office and change the political "system" to something better. 🙂


BUT the $tate IS linked to all the existing bad things! 

@ubi4me Apologies in adding more but it's worthy and from genuinely 'getting to the bottom of UBI / your perspective' as it is interesting:

You said that the situation about manufactured scarcity and food being destroyed are not directly linked to UBI...

BUT *The $tate* is linked to UBI AND ALL THOSE OTHER THINGS - so you have scarcity, food thrown away (and long list of waste/cruelty/'missed' opportunity to fix)... that's the $tate fault for doing it ! Like all their fault.

They are also not doing so many things deliberately (which is hard to count) but inaction does count too for much of it.

Despite bricks and egg thrown 'somehow' they just didn't get it?

❓ 🔴 What do you think honestly about giving more tools to bad hands- Would you chance it knowing more of the same is almost certain even if not known with UBI yet?
(it's a Y/N question)

I think this is quite a perfect answer to expecting more of the same unless you think suddenly it's possible for angels to be born from self-aware devils (or worse perhaps) because they know what they do and have calculation for it all.

Despite trying to put unfascist front shop fascias it's all heading that way for a while no so countries around as too showing THIS is actuallt the problem of the mind (including voters we need improving).

(s) are doing all these wasteful / cruel things and copying similar things consciously to each other- seems really overlooked here with as somehow all this could never go right.

State flags up on their side what really heals people or really save money... because it's likely stealing from them to do things cheap or without them in mind so much!

Actually the cherry on my own cake I'd like to present is that aside all these million things, the total of what UBI represents (in some way) is asking the $tate to give up it's job screwing people and making money from their existing eagle grip!

People are right now driven *by* scarcity / competition / lack of money - false or not , else they would literally not need exist. To be a local farmer is not everyone's dream either ! It this unfairness and leaking bucket that keeps people genuinely needing $tate and Bank$ from how there's a constant hole in it all that needs replacing... but the people!

So a bit of disconnect is presented with UBI (despite a lot of really good points actually looking at your profile- congrats) from years of people crying blood / pleading out for help, mercy and seeing opportunities constantly wasted year on year.

Winter fuel tax, Student loans...

Even if 1 year they reversed everything you would still not be able to trust these apparatus and feel worthwhile investing time or hope (not saying hate because I think individuals are mostly the only fallback but not many want to do that and need any 'system' to trick themselves)

Overally I think you have something of good point despite *a lot* UBI not there for convincing anyone (many won't tell you all I've said or bother thinking there is something else similar we can work on and hope you won't ditch me) so I'm happy to learn more - but a bit more concretely else it will be like Christian charity helping blindly or from their weekend virtues...

If UBI is every considered by system it will be from sharks seeing how to exploit peopel more - it's a shame I know but overwhelmingly the case with / all doing bad work daily...

Anything partnering with the same people or more than individual education is highly in danger of paving the wrong road again FAST.

I opt for slowly but surely for now until it's more refined...

Questions are marked with ❓ 🔴

BUT the $tate IS linked to all the existing bad things! 

@freeschool I don't have your kind of wordcount. So I keep it brief:

Universal Basic Income (UBI) aims to empower individuals by providing financial stability, regardless of systemic flaws. While systemic issues like waste and cruelty exist, UBI shifts power to people, reducing dependency on broken systems. It’s a step toward fairness, not a reliance on existing systems. Let’s focus on its potential to create positive change.

BUT the $tate IS linked to all the existing bad things! ---> (YOU DIDN'T REPLY TO MY QUESTIONS)... 

🔴 You didn't even answer the title answer... or the basics answers I took time to write you and mark so you can at least do them one by one.

Even one at a time would be fine, but you skipped it all.

So this is the point and whole reason why / how it goes wrong.

Obviously things take some thinking but that's the point here or is the point just to accept what you say? If you're not going to reply in a bit of depth and customise - that's a problem (for you in future and for me).

You're saying the same general rhetoric without any engagement like a skipped record / almost copy and paste what I could do from material I've read.

So do read my text again.

Saying you don't have the word count isn't enough or if you don't want to answer JUST SAY! No problem. If you didn't have the idea ro make multiple posts - that's you answer.

Again IF you can't do that let me know and surely that's all our answers to see.

You want attention but can't handle it - double edge sword for you maybe but I'd love someone actually writing me and look how many write you now (NOT MANY).

So it's not clear what you are doing and people are left to guess why this person is not answering but saying the "let's do it anyway... it's good... it will do this and that..." without answering my "yeah but there is a whole in front of you called the $tate, but hey yeah wait dude there's a hole, helloooo are you listening?"

Just spend the time to answer every day a small thing and send one at time to get people on board and I'll even help if you can answer a bit convincingly.

Let me know which way you want - "I don't have your kind of wordcount" IS NOT ENOUGH or standard reply to "let's create positive change" because writing and understanding IS THE POSITIVE CHANGE
You have the whole future in front of you to answer.

Isn't UBI worth that investment and even for us to make a FAQ page? Or is it just about voting and donating blind same as the other stuff? (this is not a question you need answer the upper part is the main). Come do a bit better.

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