What Gould Wrote About Intelligence
@Huntn00 I think that is exactly what Gould was addressing. I see the parallels between the blatantly self-serving folks in the past and the blatantly self-serving folks today… which is one of the reasons I reread Gould regularly and post about it when I do. I’ve actually seen some pretty smart people believing self-serving fantasies (my cardiologist who talked about trickle-down economics being a prime example).
@garyackerman Sorry for the negativity in advance. I wonder what Gould would say about the propensity of some modern humans to put much of their efforts into undermining their fellow human beings to benefit themselves? Rhetorical: Is this one of the prices of having such intelligence the temptations become too much or is this just how human beings ended up? Then we have some not so smart people who will believe whatever fantasy they are fed as long as self benefit is perceived? 🤔