@gathogo_k Well there is a limit, it is just rather large. Keep in mind we ask people use the limit responsibly.
Try not to write excessively long toots without a content warning so as to ensure we don't overwhelm people's feeds.
Also do not abuse the limit, if you do an admin will have a talk with you and the posts may be taken down as you are asked to add a CW. But as long as you use it responsibly it shouldnt be a problem.
@gathogo_k Well there is a limit, it is just rather large. Keep in mind we ask people use the limit responsibly.
Try not to write excessively long toots without a content warning so as to ensure we don't overwhelm people's feeds.
Also do not abuse the limit, if you do an admin will have a talk with you and the posts may be taken down as you are asked to add a CW. But as long as you use it responsibly it shouldnt be a problem.