Today I’m remembering how hard we fought to protect #DuffinsCreek #CoastalMarsh on #LakeOntario.
I’m thinking about all the other #WorkhorseWetlands people take for granted in our urban and rural areas. They are working hard to purify #water and prevent #floods, but do we adequately value them?
Today, why not tidy up your local #wetland? Stop 🛑 that litter from becoming #Microplastics or harming #waterfowl. Bring some garbage bags and some friends and do a clean-up. It will feel amazing to actually make something better with your own hands.
BDAs are really cool! My student Catriona Leven is helping ColumbiaWetlandStewardshipPartners build some in the Columbia River floodplain wetlands to support migratory birds!
@girls_can preserving and restoring wetlands is one of the main activities of our local environmental coalition here in #OkanoganCounty #WAstate . You might like to see the projects. I am lucky enough to be part of the community where one of the projects is happening. it’s been amazing to watch the success of BDAs (Beaver Dam Analogues) we hope the heron rookery will return.