@wiredfire modern cars have quiet modes that in my humble opinion should be what you use in a residential area. I own one loud (an old Camaro with a performance exhaust) car and when driving home close to houses I make sure the thing is barely revving beyond 1500 rpm, I tip toe home basically. At one point when starting it, there were people chatting nearby and I made a point of walking over and telling them I was about to start a loud car, warned them so they would not get startled.
@gpowerf good on you for being a responsible beast car owner! 😃 used to have someone next door with an Astra with a stupid exhaust who would sit and idle and rev it at 5am for 15 goddamn minutes before going to work. That wasn’t fun..
Mind you, EVs are arguably *too* quiet, if the blind / deaf community are to be considered 😅 there’s a market for “car tones” - add your own running sound. The sound of the Delorean from Back to the Future would sell like hotcakes!
@wiredfire make them sound like Jetson's cars :D boop boop boop boop....
@gpowerf YES!
@wiredfire but some people just seem to relish the fact their car sounds like the rolling apocalypse and they rev the living shit out of the poor thing wherever they go. That’s bad form IMHO…. Roll on EVs!