@gpowerf Are you playing on #XboxSeriesX? I have found that #HaloInfinite has been hitchier for me since the launch of season 3. It has made me fall off the game, but I really would like to be back if it’s going to be a bit better.
Also, if you want to add me, my #gamertag is Roshan 😊
@roshanjohn#XboxSeriesS as far as bugs I have issues with settings resetting and in some levels the frame rate isn’t quite a steady 120 FPS, particularly in BTB modes. It drops as low as 109 or so FPS.
@gpowerf Thanks for letting me know! Crossed fingers that it will be more polished. Yeah, the settings resetting is infuriating too, because I do change a handful of default settings, and having to do that over and over gets old.
@gpowerf Thanks for letting me know! Crossed fingers that it will be more polished. Yeah, the settings resetting is infuriating too, because I do change a handful of default settings, and having to do that over and over gets old.
I'll look for your gamertag and add you back!