I had to request a refund for #StreetFighter6
I just wanted to play Street Fighter not be totally overwhelmed with online, game pass, micro transaction crap after paying full price for a game! #gaming #xbox #streetfighter
@fuzzweed I have a few Super Famicoms. To play this? It’s OK, in fact pretty good… except for the controller availability, it’s tough to find good controllers for it.
Eh... yeah, no, the 16 SFII had way worse monetization practices than 6 so far.
I mean, there was the pay-to-play arcade, then they made multiple full price releases on consoles, none of which were the best available version and all of which were full price and then they kept reselling not-quite-right ports for decades. SFII being ridiculously overmonetized was a meme in the 90s already.
I'll take the current model for SF6 any day.
@gpowerf buy a SNES?