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What it's like to take a class with me (or to work with me).

I'm super happy to have a paper published in the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA):
Connected-closeness: A Visual Quantification of Distances in Network Layouts

It describes a metric you can compute and draw on a network visualization to provide context about the layout. It follows intuition and is remarkably stable.
Check the PDF; it's open access (CC_BY). Just big (220Mb) due to many pictures in appendix.

Soc. Networks: Keep around, drop, or revise? exploring what becomes of difficult ties in personal networks

🚨LAST CALL for Special Issue & Systematic Review proposals 🚨

We are inviting proposals for *special issues* on all topics related to the intersection of Evidence & Policy.

We are also inviting proposals for *systematic reviews* related to Evidence & Policy. Reviews that are invited for submission will be published (pending peer review) #openaccess

Complete details for both invitations is available at bristoluniversitypressdigital..

DEADLINE: 31 August 2023

Evergreen toot: when you use `r2u` together with a stateful `apt` client like `wajig`, then the `wajig new` command can tell you about new #rstats package on CRAN (when they are new in #r2u about a day later).

#r2u: fast, easy, reliable.

Using relational event models to examine resilience in the WTC Disaster - or, why having a little Slack can be a good thing. #networks #dynamics

Using a migration network model to examine the California Exodus (there is one, though it doesn't quite fit the conventional narratives....); paper is forthcoming at JMS, but preprint is here: #networks

PNAS: Changes in patterns of age-related network connectivity are associated with risk for schizophrenia

The department of communication at Rutgers University is seeking applications for a tenure-track job in DATA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Should be a great gig -- please spread the word & reach out if you have any questions! #DataScience #netsci #sna #rstats

Eagle Creek wildfire burns as golfers play at the Beacon Rock Golf Course in North Bonneville, Washington.

This shot perfectly displays our approach to #ClimateChange.

Ok, look: I know it feels bad being "accused" of #mansplaining. I know that most of the time we're "just trying to be helpful." I've been on both sides of this.

Here's the thing — if the person you're trying to be helpful to tells you that you are not being helpful, that's that. Accept it, apologize, and move on. 👈

Trying to "explain" and "clarify" will only make you look more like a jerk. Just don't. ✋

Instead, you can go and (re)read this stellar piece of advice: 👀

- 7.2% of American adults are LGBTQ. That's 18.9 million adults, or larger than the entire veteran population.
- 11 million Americans are bisexual. That's more people than the entire state of Georgia.
- 3.6 million Americans are gay. That's more than the entire state of Utah.
- 2.6 million Americans are lesbian. That's more people than every single farmer in the country.
- and 1.6 million of us are transgender. That's TWICE as many as there are cops in the entire United States.

When people say "we shouldn't change our entire society just to pander to such a small percentage of it", that's obviously a really dumb argument from just an ethical stance. But it's also a really dishonest one. Because they would never say the same thing about veterans, farmers, cops, or the populations of entire States.

It is August, which means that PhD admissions season is getting started! If you or someone you know is applying for #PhD programs (especially in the U.S. and especially in STEM or lab-based disciplines and double especially in computing fields), I have a whole YouTube playlist full of PhD admissions advice--because wow, is there some hidden curriculum. This post has an overview and links to the most of the videos:

Sociologists: Apply to work with me at McGill Sociology!

We are hiring TWO tenure-track lines this year, one in social demography and one in qualitative methods. I can't say enough good things about the department, and Montreal is an unbeatable place to live.



#sociology #sociologie #socjobs #academicjobs @sociology

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