shoutout to haredoc(1)
Hey, I just invented macros for Hare
#Harelang : let’s muck around with audio
I've managed to make the hare-tls server accept a connection from openssl s_client:
It's very experimental code with many shortcuts and hacks. But I think I've got a good understanding now on how to organize the code. The next step is to rewrite large chunks of it.
The ev lib of @drewdevault comes also right on time. I can now work on a proper API design that works well with ev.
Beginnings of a #harelang cribsheet:
Hardly complete, but I find it useful. Experienced Hare users won't find much value in it, but for n00bs like me, it's useful.
Advent of Code 2022, day 7 in #Hare
Tiny Code Christmas Day 4. Thanks @neauoire for the inspiration. Code at
Welcoming the Hare programming language
Język programowania Hare
December 11, 2022
Introduction à Hare
Had a full day yesterday. Finished day5 and day6 today.
As always, these aren't clever solutions, but quick ones.
Day 5 was interesting - slicing and dicing static buffers to move the "boxes" is nice, IMO.
My Day6 solution is stupid but straightforward and done in a couple of minutes.
Are you folks going to participate in this year's #AdventOfCode? I am planning to do (as much as I can) in Go, but I am checking Hare now and it looks awesome
I've been solving some AoC 2021 puzzles with #Hare.
Did the dumbest possible queue for a BFS for day 16:
let queue = []
enqueue: append(queue, ...)
dequeue: queue[0]; delete(queue[0])
Dirt simple and probably not very efficient, but it Just Works™.
First parts of RSA support have been submitted to the #harelang stdlib. That's just enough to provide RSA support for hare-ssh, if accepted. I'll also send patches for himitsu-ssh.
Quantum fluctuations from the Hare spacetime continuum.