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@paul @ivory

Feature request for

Please change the way old tweets are loaded. the current system is driving me crazy. it seems to load about 200 tweets at a time starting from the oldest. This may be fine for power users who spend a lot of time in the app but it is not great for casual users. I mostly use Mastodon in the browser of my computer, not in the app. When I open Ivory after a few days absence I have to spend inordinate amount of time repeatedly pulling thousands of old messages till I get to recent ones. This is very annoying. Please make it possible to skip loading all old messages and load from most recent as opposed to the oldest ones. Metatext does this and it’s much more convenient.

herid boosted

LOLOL Gmail is adding blue checks for verified domains...

I wonder if the effect will be that recipients think the sender paid $8/mo for Gmail Blue.


herid boosted

I think I should get some credit for having a false flag op that actually involves a flag.

herid boosted

Friendly reminder to stop asking small content creators why they deserve a dollar a month and to start asking billionaires why they deserve billions of dollars.

herid boosted

I see a lot of criticism of in my TL. Much of it very angry and resentful. I don’t have access to Bluesky so can’t judge first hand but I don’t doubt that much of this criticism is valid. However, what I see very little of is any kind of reflection of why people are choosing Bluesky (even in its very early stage of development) over Mastodon. After 6 months here I see a number of big deficiencies which as far as I know are not being addressed. Moreover, I recall that in the first migration wave there were a number of people including journalists who articulated those deficiencies but were shouted down by ideologues. The result: they left.
This is not the way. Mastodon needs to adapt and do it quickly.


herid boosted

"Elon Musk has threatened to reassign NPR's Twitter account to "another company."

Handing over established accounts to third parties poses a serious risk of impersonation and could imperil a company's reputation, said social media experts."

herid boosted

Minimizers have confidently asserted COVID doesn't spread in schools, workplaces, on public transport, in hospitals etc.

Yet they've also said there's nothing we can do to stop COVID spread. Where is COVID spreading then?

Minimizers will lie profusely to advance their agenda.

herid boosted

Aim well, lads. A single man wearing a crown is a small target.

herid boosted

He's right of course.
I'm resigned to the likely reality that my life may not be nearly as long or as healthy as I expected it to be in 2019. We *could* try to solve this problem together, with solutions like improved indoor ventilation, but we have chosen denial over action.

herid boosted

If you're tweeting today that AR-15 isn't the problem and that it's not even the most powerful gun or that 2nd Amendment rights shall not be abridged or AR stands for armalite, I already understand you think that gun is far more important than the lives lost repeatedly to it.

herid boosted
herid boosted
herid boosted

Former mayoral candidate Gil Penalosa is not letting Ana Bailão off easy after yesterday's smear tactic directed at 'lefty' candidates.

"Why would Bailão worry about Cllr Matlow adopting some of my policies?
I wish Bailão herself would adopt some of my housing policies. She led #Housing while #Toronto councillor & deputy mayor and didn't make a dent in the crisis. Her [housing plan] 'CreateTO'.. in 5 yrs did not have a shovel in the ground. Failure."

#voteTO #topoli #toronto

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.