Printed an Oriole feeder today, since they're back.
The upper guide on my band saw broke. We'll see how my replacement design does. Just need to tap the holes. Took about five minutes to make it in CAD and then a couple hours to print it. @3dprinting #3dprinting
Only got one bird off the ground today. Totally Not a King Kraken maiden flight on an Aerotech G76. This is the first I've built zipperless and it worked great. Next flight should be on a H115 Dark Matter.
My 3" upscale Goblin got the rail mount stuck beside the motor retainer and it never left the pad...not the best use of a F40 motor 🤪
One of my neighbors made signs for my little #maplesyrup selling kiosk. I didn't ask for it....he just showed up with them. There are good people out there.
Totally Not A King Kraken. Ready to fly.
38mm, 3" mailer tube, printed cone, baffled, zipperless.
Printed for fun and to see what some of the finest settings do on my new Ender 3 V2 Neo. PETG. 160x160mm base. Can anyone identify the location? @3dprinting #3dprinting
Designed and printed these 29-38mm motor adapters in PETG recently. Meant to be similar and as easy as the smaller Estes adapters. Not perfect, I'll make some adjustments. But, they should work fine. There are two files. One for 29mm Aerotech DMS/Single-Use/HobbyLine and the other for 29mm Aerotech High-Power style cases. Both have outer dimensions matching the 38mm HP cases.
Put my first design on Thingiverse. A coupler/baffle for Estes 2.5" diameter PSII tubing. This will go in an upscale Ninja. Printed it last night. Seems stout and not horribly heavy. (38g printed with PETG)
Visitor. We're too far south for them to live here permanently. But, we enjoy their company and calls in the spring and fall. #birds #loons #birdmigration
And that's the end of the #maplesyrup season here (except for all the cleaning). 4.5 more gallons takes us to a record 45.7 gallons produced. (16.5 more than last year, which was the previous best) This last batch may be the tastiest yet. Dark and smooth.
Joined the #3dprinting club today with an Ender 3 V2 Neo. Seems to work nicely. Printed their version of Hello World, the boat, in PLA. Then, loaded some PETG to make a 29mm rocket motor retainer. #rocketry