When I built my reverse osmosis for processing #maple sap, I got in the habit of writing the first run of each season on it. Yeah it's early... #maplesyrup
@benholmen ouch
@Andres4NY No, you're just being efficient! Purposely made shark-fin chainrings cost more than regular ones and are supposedly better :)
Why is it that you need 9 months of consistent training to begin to get into shape, and then 3 weeks off the bike because it's raining and you are back to square one?
Who cares, you are in the forest, and every day on the bike is a good day.
#optoutside #mtb #mountainbike #biketoot #santacruzmountains
@jerzone I think they're going a bit south of you. Probably a few people scrambling to get everything ready though!
Approaching a gallon of sap per tap on this first run of a very early start. I have not seen my trees take off like this so early. My north slope sugar maples aren't quite awake yet, but it looked like they're getting going when I pumped out the barrel this afternoon. Forecast is also looking good to keep going nicely for a while. Almost too warm in the middle of the month. #maplesyrup
@benholmen Well, I learned something today....thanks!
@benholmen Is that a solution already made?
@emmah Whee!! BBXXL really got going on that. Dang!
@benholmen Hell no!
Discovered during the week I was unable to access a Kindle book purchased in 2013. Reason? The order was “too old”, and refund issued to buy again. Which was pointless as the book is now more expensive than when I bought it.
Subsequently discovered 66(!!) other ebooks no longer available for download.
Currently 40 minutes in to a support chat with Amazon.
About to learn, I think, whether we purchase ebooks, or rent them…
Yeah, it's cold today. No biggy. Not anywhere near as cold as it has been in the past. Forecast looking ahead is way above normal though....
@hasmis Near Milwaukee, WI.
The more you know...
Despite today being cold and it being early February, I think I'm going to jump on this forecast and get the trees tapped this weekend. The ground is not frozen under the blanket of snow, so I am going to guess the trees will run pretty well. If it gets cold again, oh well, stuff can sit while its cold with no harm done. #maplesyrup
@benholmen Famous last words :)