@hacks4pancakes I think it's still a minority position, and not held among almost anyone I know personally, but it does seem like it's distressingly common among straight cis men. Obviously some strains of this go back to "traditional" ideas about gender roles from the 19th and early 20th century, but I guess I really think of this crystalizing as an explicit ideology in contemporary times with the rise of incels.
It's been distressing to me that many things that I basically think of "incel terminology", like referring to "chads" and "gammas", have apparently become a part of the common lexicon.
@hacks4pancakes I guess I should say that I *think* it's a minority view. One always wonders. My experience with being (very) white is that other white people are generally more than happy to share any explicitly-held racist views in one-on-one discussions; they all seem to share the delusion that all white people secretly agree with them (or at least the ones they perceive as being "normal"). I don't know if the same is true of misogyny, but I would suspect it largely is.
While I don't encounter it from almost any of the people deal with regularly, I do notice a lot of casual misogyny from men I deal with in passing, especially salesmen for some reason. That seems like a really risky strategy for sales, but I guess see again "think everyone secretly agrees with them."