In Your Ancient Comments, Thinking About Your Beliefs like some kind of parody of a psychologist here
Also everybody involved needs to read this piece:
You cannot understand performance observed in an unbalanced field without understanding unbalanced selection and how it operates DIFFERENTLY for the groups penalized
My heart just fucking breaks for everyone in this industry who has to be exposed to the rancid garbage of these essay length comments about "women and IQ distributions" (and this is what people are willing to say out loud in a way I can read years later!). So terribly flawed. Using the faint suggestion of Math And Science to intimidate. Reading this stuff is totally wretched but informative. It reminds me in every way of the arguments I grew up around.
@grimalkina I think the other thing is that most software folks are coming from an engineering mindset, whereas a scientist needs to be more like a blend of an engineer and a philosopher, grappling with questions of epistemology and ontology. Hopefully, most scientists in our training learn that discerning what's really going on in a system is far more complicated than just making some measurements and doing some math; some of the most pivotal questions are around what to measure, how to measure, and what assumptions to make in analysis.
In a science like psychology, this is presumably much more pronounced, due to the irreducible complexity of the phenomena and the limited ability to control experiments (requiring much more sophisticated thinking about experiment design and analysis). And added on top of that you have the problems that come with mitigating one's own biases on questions that touch upon one's own sense of identity and beliefs.
Which is all to say that I think many software engineers (and engineers of other types) are especially prone to buy into mathematically-based pseudoscience, especially in social and behavioral areas. And it's exactly why we need people actually trained in those areas, like yourself, to rely upon rather than amateur hour.