While it's probably blindingly obvious to everyone else, my mind was blown when @jeffjarvis (I think) said we don't speak using spaces; they're only for reading, to separate words. I then realised we really do speak without paused between words!
@tatzelbrumm @jasonetheridge
From Chapter 4 in The Gutenberg Parenthesis:
@jeffjarvis @jasonetheridge Word.
@jeffjarvis @tatzelbrumm @jasonetheridge allveryinterestingiamnotsureibelieveit
@jeffjarvis @TommyOrbell @tatzelbrumm Thank you, distant possible ancestor, for inventing spaces! To indirectly express my gratitude, I've just ordered the hardcopy of "The Gutenberg Parenthesis", to honour your memory. 😃
@jasonetheridge @TommyOrbell @tatzelbrumm
@jasonetheridge @jeffjarvis ROMANESEVNTDOMVS