"The average total compensation of a systems engineer in the United States is $100,175 to $332,043, according to data from the professional social network Blind."


"According to the latest Verizon Data Breach Report, 80% of data breaches are the result of poor or reused passwords."


"Washington started having the barber college set aside $1,000 in profits every month to make low-interest, small dollar loans to the community. That eventually grew into People Trust Community Loan Fund, a not-for-profit, federally-certified community development financial institution, or CDFI."


This is the ninth annual weekend. Anyone can join in!

"only about 25-30% of registered voters cast ballots. And that low turnout occurred here in a city where Democrats outnumber Republicans 7-1. By the way, as the Committee of Seventy’s policy officer told the Inquirer in a May 17 article, that’s “not great.”"


"Black Americans unduly bear the burden of gun violence, largely due to systemic inequities and generations of racial discrimination.

On National Gun Violence Awareness Day, 6/2, we will to call attention to this crisis that disproportionately harms Black communities."

"How can we solve the problem of persistent poverty in low-status communities? Majora Carter argues that these areas need a talent-retention strategy, just like the ones companies have. Retaining homegrown talent is a critical part of creating a strong local economy that can resist gentrification. But too many people born in low-status communities measure their success by how far away from them they can get.Carter, who could have been one of them, returned to the South Bronx and devised a development strategy rooted in the conviction that these communities have the resources within themselves to succeed. "


"n 2020, most of the net proceeds — $92,000 — did not go toward Uplift’s programs. Instead, the nonprofit used these funds to reimburse Brown’s supermarket chain for scores of food donations and small grants to community groups"


"Rapid transit on Roosevelt Boulevard is so close to becoming a reality, but we need your help.

Yesterday we launched a petition to make @BlvdSubway happen. Join us."


Breakfast with the Candidates begins at 8 a.m.!
The five leading Democrat candidates in the running to be Philly's 100th mayor will debate live on KYW Newsradio.
Listen on 103.9FM / 1060AM
Or tune in to the livestream bit.ly/3StBbey

Deadline Alert: 05/01/2023 is the last day to register before the 05/16/2023 election.

If you are not a U.S. citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania at least 30 days before the next election, you CANNOT register to vote.


"WURD Radio

On May 9 from 6-8pm, Radio is hosting a tech and future-focused mayoral forum during
@PhillyTechWeek presented by
@comcast . WURD’s forum will focus on the future of tech and innovation in the city."

"A lot of otherwise talented people are too pessimistic to actually do anything. They are paralyzed by risks that don’t exist and greatly exaggerate them where they do, preventing them from being one of the best."


"Please join us for a mayoral candidate event that's most important to the College and our students in Philadelphia.
An Education Interview: How Can Our Next Mayor Move Education Forward?
Monday, April 24, 5-7 p.m.
Community College of Philadelphia

Winnet Building, Room S2-19, the Great Hall

Candidates will be asked questions by leaders in education throughout the Philadelphia area and will tell us what the future of education will look and feel like.

Please share with your networks!"


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