Excited to share a new paper from the lab:
Encoding of 2D Self-Centered Plans and World-Centered Positions in the Rat Frontal Orienting Field
Activity in the M2 predicts upcoming choices. But what does the activity represent? A gaze-centered plan? A world-centered goal? A specific movement? We asked rats to plan responses to different targets from different start position to find out!
Liujunli Li, Timo Flesch, Ce Ma, Jingjie Li, Yizhou Chen, Hung-Tu Chen and Jeffrey C. Erlich
Journal of Neuroscience 11 September 2024, 44 (37) e0018242024; https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0018-24.2024
Tweetthread: https://x.com/erlichlab/status/1835716087251406866
#neuroscience #prefrontal #premotor #planning #neuralnetworks