Programming related: I feel like this would be helpful for people: I very commonly use the program [gaze]( to automatically execute a script / program I'm working on when I save the file, and with automatically executed tests in the script I have instant feedback what has failed if I made a change that broke something
Heres an example command for a node script: `gaze -r -c "node --test-reporter=dot {{file}}" filename_here.js`
The `-r` switch forces the program to restart when you save. The `-c "..."` part executes whatever `...` is in the quotes using your command shell
To be clear: the workflow with this is like: have a terminal with gaze visible on screen, then in your editor: make changes and ctrl-s to save, the script will run and its output will be immediately visible in the terminal. If you have tests in your script as well, you'll see when one fails on save