That is one thing I noticed pretty strongly in this new development. Endless somewhat obnoxious amount of resources in the USA.
And there are stockpiles. The reality of how artificial the USA economy is, is pretty odd to see.
There is a bunch of stuff that makes it look like Americans are poor: healthcare and education costs on individuals, and overpriced unhealthy food, etc...
But, resources are pretty much skimmed off the top and stockpiled to make it look that way. And it has been this way for over half a century.
- Covid stay home? Blank checks for everybody. Also, let's just ignore student loan interest for 3 years.
- No oil from Russia? Here is an calculated release of oil reserves, so gas prices do not move enough for you, dear citizen, to complain about our political actions.
- Asia produces most of our electronics? Here is 5 trillion funny-bucks if you can do that here. Also, for anyone that we like, here is a sack of resources.
@Aether @Bigtent @Boomerman @deprecated_ii @WashedOutGundamPilot