I dare you to look at the list of Nobel laureates in Literature and see how many you actually know (by name, you don't even need to have read them). That's how inconsequential this whole shitshow is.
And that's just one of them. Take the Peace prize instead. Woodrow Wilson won it for what? Caving to Clemenceau in Versailles and sowing the seed of WW2? I guess. What about Obama, whose acceptance speech was a defense of “just war”? And the EU, whose only purpose as an organisation seems to be to kiss NATO's boots? Even the Dalai Lama, who you may know for tongue kissing little boys, or Aung San Suu Kyi, whose inaction while in power led to the Rohyngya genocide. They're not the only bad apples, I'm sure. (Henry Fucking Kissinger, motherfuckers! In 1973.)
You know who never won it? Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. You know who's still waiting in jail for a recognition? Julian Assange.
My point is that Literature and Peace are the ones most people are acquainted with, and we know they're a joke. I wonder if the others work the same. Just one anecdote: When the CRISPR creators got theirs (for Chemistry, I think), the committee left out the _actual_ creator, a Spaniard named Francis Mojica. Why? Because he was a man.