Related to that, yesterday I went to buy a Chinese dictionary and the clerk convinced me not to, because “you can get all this on the Internet.” Had the dictionary been for myself, I would have bought it.
To be honest, I never stopped trusting books over the Internet, and, depending on the topic, older books over newer ones.
After all, before MGC, there was SEO, and before that there were stupid blog authors who wouldn't do proper research.
The only problem with books is that certain fields changed so quickly that they made books obsolete after a very short period of time. Also, editors got progressively worse at their job, to the point that I'm beginning to suspect they may no longer exist.
I can't wait for tiktokers to watch _2001, A Space Odyssey_ and make videos saying: “OMG, the Barbie song!”
#lucicleta #lucicleta2023
#ciclismo #bicicleta #madrid
🚩 Salida / 🏁 Llegada: Cibeles (junto Ayuntamiento)
⏰ Horario: 18.00h 17/12/2023
What video chat program or service do you all use to record your podcasts? I'm looking for something that a friend and I can use, record our sessions and can combine together into a final video. I think we are looking for something that can record each stream in HD so one person can be full screen or shared screen with good quality recording, but show everyone at the same time as well. Oh, and it must run on Linux and Windows. Suggestions?
Nobody believes me, but this article that I haven't even clicked on confirms what I've been saying all along, namely that cats are evil.
The best book about Ruby still is, and probably always will be, _Why's (Poignant) Guide To Ruby_:
Unity is the great goal toward which humanity moves irresistibly.
-- Mikhail Bakunin
Misery and poverty are so absolutely degrading, and exercize such a paralysing effect over the nature of men, that no class is ever really conscious of its own suffering. They have to be told of it by other people, and they often entirely disbelieve them.
-- Oscar Wilde
@hund If buying isn't owning, pirating ain't stealing
I believe pay is directly proportional to how hard it is to hide the fact that one's own job is useless or even harmful to society. That would explain essential workers having such low wages. What's tragic is that we value our own work according to this principle, and that's why cleaners feel useless while hedge-fund managers think of themselves as essential.
By the way, in this video, or maybe in another one, Glenn points out that one of the justifications bin Laden gives in the letter for 9/11 attacks (i.e., that, because the US have free elections, everyone was responsible for the actions of their government and that made them an acceptable target) is the same one the Israeli government uses for the genocide in Gaza (i.e., that a part of the population, not even a majority, voted for Hamas in 2005, so they're all Hamas and that's why they should all be blown to smithereens, children and women included).
@josemanuel it's somewhat ironic that the same people will absolutely encourage people to read books that the right wing wants to ban from schools. i mean, if you're only against censoring books that you like, you're not really against censorship. it's nonsense.