A little bit more into the game's development, now we have some characters on the playground, enemy AI works, collecting something works, I do not know yet what, but something... 🤔 😎
This #c64 looks amazing!!!
#retrocomputing #commodore64 #translucent #rgb
This is not a Commodore 64 garbled screen, this is an action maze chase game under development in a C programming language 😎 😀
#c64 #retrocomputing #retrogaming #programming #commodore64 #action
Short BitArt Animation, Double Density 80*50, Petscii Art
Double density BitArt on C64 (80x50), using custom characters and a little bit of math :)
Have You ever used Basic compilers on C64? In this video I covered two basic compilers, Basic-Boss and Blitz!, and You will see how easy it is to use them.
#c64 #retrocomputing #commodore #basic #programming #compilers
Some freshly baked art on Commodore 64
inspired by: @bitartbot
REM loop x and y
120 a = (x + x*y):f=a-int(a/9)*9
REM poke f as color
#c64 #retrocomputing #basic #patterns #algorithm #commodore64
If you focus your eyes on the middle of the Mandelbrot Set (black "A" letters) you should see a 3d effect, as if that whole part is pushed in back.
Or this is just me and my screwed up eyesight?
Finally looking good! Dealing with floats in cc65 is a pain in the butt 😩
#c64 #cc65 #fractals #commodore64 #retrocomputing #mandelbrot
First attempt to create a Mandelbrot set in C language on commodore 64 using a cc65 compiler.
Maybe something is not right 🤔 😜
Hi, I made a video on how to modify SD2IEC devices (bare bone PCB type), so they can be used on commodore plus/4, c128 and c64.
How to change SD2IEC Device Number through software by using commodore basic commands. I wrote a small basic program to configure the device number on SD2IEC and you can keep it on an SD card in your SD2IEC device to be ready when needed.
Just found this demo in my files and I needed to put it online, whoever made this, made my day :)
#commodore64 #windows95 #c64 #retrocomputing #windows #demos
What is happening inside the memory of a commodore 64 during typing in a basic program and running it? Very interesting animation!
#commodore64 #c64 #retrocomputing #memorymap #basic
Check out this very interesting bug in #commodore #basic that can be used in several ways. In one case this bug causes the listing of a basic code to fail but
in another case, you can create some magical #riddles using a REM Statement. #c64 #basic #rem #bug #retrocomputing #commodore64
Chiptune Concert RetroChiclana 2022
#c64 #sid #music #retrocomputing #commodore64
Here is my new #commodore64 #hardware #project. (just to get away from commodore #basic little bit) #c64 Power Supply Upgrade and Future Proofing.
There are many videos covering this topic but no one can screw it up as I can :)
Explaining how FRE command works, a command that calculates the amount of free memory in #basic and does garbage collection on #commodore 64.
#commodore64, Interesting fact: Allocating memory for an array of numbers, 7771 in size, will take all available memory in #basic! In fact, 2 bytes will remain free :)
#c64 #retrocomputing #programming
There are some days for #c64 developers when you just want to POKE 1,0. Today is that day for me...
#commodore #basic #retrocomputing
Retro programming and other random stuff about 8-bit machines, mostly Commodore 64, Plus/4, Commodore Basic programming, Assembly, C, ...
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