Just #Wow. This #APOD long exposure #photography is revealing spiral #auroras over #Iceland. What else ?
Really #impressive #picture. I wish I took it.
Spiral Aurora over Iceland
Image Credit & Copyright: Stefano Pellegrini
Read more: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230111.html
Stunning composite of 6 major meteor showers, 8 years in the making, by Petr Horálek.
So, just to avoid any confusion, when you run Windows 11, the product you are using is Windows 10. The Windows version is 2009 (which of course doesn't fall between versions 2008 and 2016, duh). So if you are using Windows Server 2022, the product is called 2022 but the version is 2009 because those two numbers seem like the same but they aren't.
The "Windows Current Version" for Windows 11 is 6.3. But don't use that number because Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 were also version 6.3. Windows 8 was 6.2.
Or if you want, just use build number 22621, also known as 22H2. The version 22H2 update is also called the "Windows 11 2022 update" because there never was a 22H1. But at least they changed their naming scheme and didn't call it Fall update because it was spring in half the world when it came out, heh.
If you’re at the right place at the right time, with the right equipment, this is possible.
Last night, with guidance from https://transit-finder.com/, I positioned myself along the narrow line where the International #SpaceStation would pass between me and the nearly full moon.
I used a Fujifilm X-T4 shooting 4K video through a Celestron 8” SCT to capture the pass. Then, back at the computer this morning, put together these views with PIPP, Registax, and GIMP.
Quite pleased. My best yet.
“‘Disruptive’ science has declined — and no one knows why.”
LOL. I know why. Academia increasingly values publications/productivity…or at least that’s the stuff that gets you a job. Oh, and money. You don’t need to change the world…
This #APOD #picture is revealing the lucky alignement (as seen from the #Earth) of a background #galaxy with a foreground #star forming region (here a #globule) mimicking a famous character from old-times video games.
Maybe it's time to play Pac-Man again ?
CG4: The Globule and the Galaxy
Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Selby & Mark Hanson
Read more: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap230104.html
When we present #scientific discoveries to the public, we always highlight the scientific team leading the results. However, we often forget that, astronomical discoveries would not be possible without the tremendous work of brillant #technicians and #engineers building and maintaining complex instrumentations.
The #ESO #picture of this week focus on the 8.2m #VLT and its associated instrumentation.
Zdeněk Bardon/ESO
read more: https://www.eso.org/public/images/potw2301a/
Just finished changing all my passwords after migrating from #lastpass to #1password ! I wish I could get the time back, but hopefully things are safe now.
@mhoye Well, there is a political solution: in France, a law from 2016 allows (public) researchers to open-access their own articles. Almost all science from France ends up as PDF on https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/
Some French universities even **require** their staff to open-access everything.
The only thing an editor can ask is an embargo of max. 6 months (12 months for social sciences)
This was not easy, but there is a big "open science" movement in France.
More info: https://www.ouvrirlascience.fr/home/
Has anyone else ever discovered the #TimeMachine at #GenevaCornavin station? You step off a Swiss train in the 2020s, pass through an unassuming corridor, and then step onto a French train in the 1980s.
But seriously, the French Lyon to Geneva #TER service is awful. It's slow, infrequent, overcrowded and on ancient rolling stock. I imagine the air filtration is also non-existent given my partner and I both caught COVID in one 3 days ago. Another European #CrossBorderRail service left to rot...
And that anomaly is relative to the period 1981-2010, already affected by global warming! 🤯
RT @ryans_wx
I have never seen a forecast like this. Ever.
Looks like Gemini North will continue to be down until late March/early April 2023 https://noirlab.edu/science/news/announcements/sci22106 The Gemini South mirror recoating is being pushed back until the North is back on-sky #astrodon https://noirlab.edu/science/news/announcements/sci22106
@epixoip Absolutely. In my latest blog post I take apart their public statement and show how many issues have been known and ignored for a long time. And #LastPass continues to ignore and downplay them even now, when they’ve put people at risk. It isn’t only the breach, it’s also the long standing and continuing negligence.
I’m a professional astrophysicist and research software engineer. I like cricket, reading and cooking.