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Anyway, it sounds like Elon needs blue pills more than blue ticks... (Sorry, my inner schoolboy couldn't help it!)

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Oh ffs, get over yourself Elon. It's just a job. People have lives, they're not your servants. Despite what you might want, nowadays nobody has to work like they're in a 19th-century mill.

Hi all, thought I should add my ! I'm enjoying it here so far. Like many others have said, it's reminiscent of those halcyon days of early .

Anyway, brief summary time… I started off studying physics and assumed I'd end up in academia, or would at least become "Dr Watson", but it wasn't to be. My attempt at a PhD in nanoscale physics didn't go too well for various reasons, and I fell into a career editing and writing books about programming, mostly concerning C#. My timing was terrible as everybody started using instead of reading books, so I sold my soul to the man and now work as a contractor in the London financial sector.

So, that's me. Looking forward to meeting some likeminded people here. Please go easy on me, I was widowed at the start of 2021 () and am still rebuilding myself.

Have some hashtags:

This week, the world’s human #population is expected to reach 8B. About 109B people have lived and died. Each grain of sand represents 10M.

Spectacular #data visualization of human life on Earth by Max Roser #science

Thanks to Harvard University, you can now virtually enter the Great Pyramid of #Giza in 3D and 360º

Some people measure time to death of a social media platform by a head of lettuce. A leaf wilts, the bell tolls.

Me? I measure it by whether or not Chuck Tingle has published an erotic novella about it yet.

My friends, it is time.

Anti-crypto ranting/video: 

I really enjoyed this clip about sports (plural because American!) and the cryptocurrency nonsense.

Why are dodgy crypto companies targeting sport fans so hard? Even sponsoring the baseball umpires? And why might sport fans be receptive?

"Because crypto is gambling!"

There's a kind of mental exhaustion specifically linked to being on social media. I'm hoping that this lumbering dinosaur site will prove a safer, calmer place in the end than the Hitchcock nightmare of the birdsite...

Well, here I am... I'll hold off on posting a full introduction post for now as I don't know for sure if I'll be moving in permanently. Anyway, hi!

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.