Working around Twitter in 2020, a play in two acts.
***Summer 2020***
**My browser**: Hi, #Twitter! I'm #PaleMoon.
**Twitter**: We don't like you, so we're going to pop up a modal warning on every page you request to force you into retirement.
**My browser**: That's okay, I can suppress the warning with #uBlockOrigin.
***This week***
**My browser**: Hi, Twitter! I'm Pale Moon.
**Twitter**: Seriously, how are you still here? Every page is now an error page advertising browsers we like.
**My browser**: Wait, that's it? I can't just suppress the warning to show the webpage behind it?
**Twitter**: No. And if you pretend to be a supported browser, we'll serve you content that you can't display correctly and it'll look stupid.
**My browser**: The hell? You're just a microblogging service. Your roots are in SMS messages, for crying out loud. Why on earth can you not make do with normal #HTML?
**Twitter**: This is 2020; who would want a normal HTML webpage anyway?
**My browser**: Hmm, who would want normal HTML, you say?
*puts on false moustache*
Hi, Twitter! I'm Googlebot!