I challenge CNN Prima News in czechia to desist spreading FUD on czech citizens such as video from air show in russia[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8UH4IrNS3g&t=102s] highlighted multiple times in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QstHWyQzx9k as footage of russian attack on ukraine.
You are a NEWS agency, not putin's propaganda machine, do more to verify the news that you are spreading.
#CNN #CNNPrimaNews #CZ #Czechia #FUD #UA #Ukraine #supportUkraine #standWithUkraine #ukraineCrisis #RU #RUS #Russia #RussoUkraineCrisis #putin #slavaUkraini #SlavaUkraine #ukraineInvasion #belorussia #Lukaschenko #belarus #ruble