With the establishment of NATO and national task force in rammstein and seeing it work in practice i will halt my political activism on the subject as Ukraine now has a stable supply line of everything they need militarily to win the war which makes my activism obsolete.

@kreyren There is absolutely no way the Ukraine is winning this war lol
@kreyren What are they gonna do lmao push to moscow?
It was decided before it even started.

@Eris Push invading russians away from donbas and crimea and cause ruzzia to break up into a smaller republics

@Eris True russians can't even push in kyiv bcs their equipment is shit filled with pieces of wood instead of actual technology

@Eris also bcs ruzzians are the definition of gross incompetence lol

@kreyren They have no desire to push into Kiev and never did. It's under siege to tie up troops. All objectives in the war have been achieved. All that is left is to let the last Ukrainian military holdouts waste their lives.

@Eris lol sure did you even see the huge loses they have on north ukraine? I guess that was just an intimidation stunt to sacrifice like 8000 soldiers and leave equipment and scrap metal behind

and FYI ukrainians are currently pushing donbas, kherson and mariupol at seemingly exponential pase

@kreyren Russia has lost roughly 10% of its active duty personnel. Ukraine has lost roughly 60%. Ukraine started with a 6:1 numerical advantage in the theater.

@Eris Ukraine's nowhere near 60% last time i checked it was highest approximate 3.2% compared to projected +40 000 of ruzzian losses

>lol sure did you even see the huge loses they have on north ukraine? I guess that was just an intimidation stunt to sacrifice like 8000 soldiers and leave equipment and scrap metal behind
None of these stories are true. Ukrainians just scrap their own tanks and take pictures for propaganda.
@kreyren @cowanon None of us have Twitter accounts so we have no idea what you posted.

@cowanon @Eris Last time i checked those are the people behind "donetsk people's republic" who have a "ukraine nazi" campaign there since 2016 bcs Russian National Unity party

@cowanon @Eris How am i nazi lol i am from czechia with my ancestors killed by nazi germany

@LukeAlmighty42 @cowanon @kreyren The Sudetenland was full of ethnic Germans just as the Donetsk Republic is full of ethnic Russians. Germany had every right to take it. Evil tyrants decided that the German people in their lands did not deserve self determination.

@Eris @cowanon @LukeAlmighty42 Ether being "safe that you can breathe it" was also a common knowledge until it caused lead poisoning across the whole world

@Eris @cowanon @LukeAlmighty42 None's denying war crimes all will be prosecuted and everyone held accountable

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@Eris @kreyren @cowanon Yes. It is so lame to pretend that only our enemies act like animals during the war.

Take some pride in the fact, that your ancestors fought and died so you can have a good live. And the other side tried to do the same.
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@Eris @cowanon @LukeAlmighty42 @kreyren I just got done watching a video of a Ukrainian guy pulling a dead Russian's leg out of a tank and eating it and feeding part of it to his cat.
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@LukeAlmighty42 @cowanon @Eris I care about roma i have a lot of friends there and actively argue for their better integration :p

@cowanon @Eris @LukeAlmighty42 Oh no i reduced the fascist propagandist to screaming with their propaganda again :p

Enjoy the copium

@kreyren @Eris @cowanon
Ale jen ať si zůstanou v těch rozpadlých panelácích, když se jim tam tak líbí.

@LukeAlmighty42 @cowanon @Eris Spíš at jim dáme prostředky pro to aby mohli mít decentní práci místo státních příspěvků a rozpadlích panelácích

@Eris @cowanon Lol go check who are behind the Donetsk's peoples republic then it's the people from RNU[theguardian.com/world/2022/mar]

you know.. the ruzzian nazi party with this as a symbol

@kreyren @Eris @cowanon RNU isn't even officially registered and outright banned in several regions in Russia; Azov meanwhile works with the governmental blessing and support :sip:

@matana @cowanon @Eris Yes banned since 1990s yet still active while playing a major part in georgia and now in ukraine

@Eris @cowanon @matana U clearly don't when you spread fascist propaganda from ruzzia

@kreyren @cowanon @matana "Russia is bad because fascism" is probably a bad argumentative tack when arguing with a fascist. Just a tip.

@Eris @cowanon @matana i am not saying bcs of fascism i am saying bcs of the economical recession that is projected to happen

@Eris @cowanon @matana by US, EU and majority of the world yes

You know the one where ruzzia has to have +20% interest rates just to make RUB worth a shit

@kreyren @cowanon @matana You mean the ones that have essentially had no effect in stopping Special Operation Z?
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