Noway folks - help with #mail needed: Any experience with sending a forgotten mobile phone out of #Norway ? Post Norge turns out to be a scam (returning it after 30 days without comment, but blackmail for double the fee). DHL perhaps? Alternatives? #livinginnorwayissues
Thanks, but this exactly what we tried.
Then the tracking was in limbo between Norway and Germany (Norwegian said it's in Germany, Germany said it never arrived) for 3 weeks. No it suddenly came back with "retur av postsending grunnet forbudt innhold" with a list of reasons where posten should cross which apply - nothing was checked. Of course nobody at the "postoffice" can tell us anything. And we checked before sending that it was ok sending a mobile phone...
And the scam: we had to pay double the price, although it never was in Germany....
@kst @MaryPot did you send it as registered mail, or as a package?
Maybe the problem was that registered mail is for documents, not things, and that is why it was returned? No clue, just a thought
I have previously sent returns to Germany:
You would think the employee at the post office could tell if it was paper or a phone in the envelope, but what can you expect, when they spend half their time stocking groceries in the store? 🤨
Thanks .
We made it clear at the post office that it was a mobile phone, not worth much since used, and it was sent as a pakke . But who knows
Doing that now, let's see how this goes. Also checking DHL possibilities now.
One of the main problems is that there are no more offices to actually talk with them
We will try again, but so long nobody replied to it.
There are only 6 real post offices left in Norway. The rest are post in shop (post i butikk) and suck at anything even slightly complicated.
Most of the post offices are in Oslo: Grønland, Majorstua, Nydalen, St. Olavs Plass, Vika.
The last one is in Svalbard!
@kst @hobbykonsulenten
At this link, you can start a chat:
Customer service phone
22 03 00 00
Open workdays 08.00–17.00
There is an actual post office in a few "chosen" places. Not my town.
But there are a few in Oslo. Found one at
Grønland postkontor
Olafiagangen 5