What do you get by prompting your favorite #AI to visualize the Chinese poem below?
RT @eefjerammeloo
Wulumuqi lu has now been barricaded. There’s some protesting and singing in the streets around though. But police sweeps the area effectively. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1596808052833128448
Dear young researchers,
We are pleased to announce that the 17th International Conference for Young Researchers in Psychology (JSJC 2022) will take place on Friday December 2, 2022.
The JSJC will be held as an online conference via Zoom to ensure the participation of early-career scientists across national and linguistic borders. This event aims to promote exchanges between young researchers from all fields of psychology. All presentations, talks, and workshops will be given in English. The full details of this event are available at the following address:
https://psitec.univ-lille.fr/jsjc/ (English website coming soon)
The call for abstracts is now open and the deadline for submission is set to September 23, 2022. You can submit your abstract via the following website: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/4434/submitter
Do not hesitate to forward this call for abstracts within your laboratory and to all people likely to be interested in this event.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The team of the 17th JSJC
Isabel Casso, Camille Legrain, Laurine Milville, Alexandra Struyf, Andres von Schnehen
supported by Guillaume Gimenes et Désirée Lopis.
近日,河北 #石家庄,一名母亲@是IU麻麻 在社交平台发文称,2021年5月28日凌晨,自己刚出生的孩子因肠梗阻进入河北医科大学第二附属医院(以下简称省二院)治疗,因有发热症状,急诊拒收,从而入住方舱病房。进入方舱病房后,医生并未按照新生儿肠梗阻的治疗措施进行治疗,而是告知需等白班医生上班后再进行。
2022年5月18日,石家庄市医学会召开医疗事故鉴定会,鉴定结果为一级甲等医疗事故,省二院承担次要责任,婴儿家长负主要责任。(猫头鹰视频 @ 微博)
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