I wonder if Monroe realised/knew that the Dutch are behind both https://xkcd.com/2241/
Reading about Dunbar's Number and wondering how many relationships I have https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number
Dutch thing of the day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourtange
What's the craic? https://buttondown.com/levisan/archive/121/
After 24 years of being consciously aware of the Olympics and being reasonably indifferent to the concept of the whole (though interested in several parts within) I have developed three opinions that I am recording here to look up in two years.
Any sport that has an extant “best of the world” competition should not be in the Olympics.
The Olympics started as a competition of pure athleticism. Events that require the opinions of judges should not be included.
We shouldn't be talling medals by nations. Nations should participate as the pool from which teams can be made and their local Olympic committees deciding which athletes can partake, but that's it. It shouldn't be a competition between nations.
That does it, I’m going to have to start walking around with a pair of secateurs and giving myself the headroom I need to not take a detour onto the lawn.
Being tall is hard and I wouldn’t normally complain but these are dropping down to block the path of even the shortest of adults now.
Surely there can’t be legal repercussions for me doing a little trimming, right?
An Orthodox perspective on the concept of a pre-tribulation rapture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao0ocjL88OU
If you think I'm weird in cyberspace you should find me in meatspace.
❤🔥 Catholic
🇨🇦 Further north than you
🇳🇱 Billignualish
🍻 Brewing beer and kombucha
📷 Shooting and developing film
💼 Alt school IT sysadmin
🗳 TANSTAAFL in the morning