Seriously though, fedi was *built* by furries, trans and queer folk, disabled neurodivergent people.
This is *the reason* the culture here is what it is. Why CWs are a thing. Why image descriptions are a thing. Why privacy matters here. Why moderation tools not only exist, but are usable — and used.
If you had joined and asked yourself "wow, how come this place is so chill and kinda… nice?" — that's thanks to all the nice people from communities some people call "weird".
So #KeepFediWeird.
Research: gender bias, heart attacks, death
Here's one of the papers we discussed in class this week.
"Gender disparities among adult recipients of bystander CPR in public"
Looked at nearly 20,000 cases of people who had cardiac arrest in public place.
45% of men received CPR from a bystander; but just 39% of women.
Men were then 23% more likely to survive.
Lesson: Women more likely to die on the street, because bystanders do less to help them.
#Health #GenderBias
Een podcast van De Balie over de bevoegdheden van de AIVD en MIVD, en de mogelijke wetswijziging die het toezicht ingrijpend verandert. Met Jelle Baars & ook een interview met mij:
Ik las onlangs een twitter vs mastodon discussie en daar ging het over "de eigen server" en "wie bepaalt moderatie op mastodon". Is om die reden op twitter blijven niet gewoon kiezen voor 'the evil you know'? Daar kies je nu toch ook voor één persoon met een 'eigen server' en voor moderatie bepaald door die ene persoon? Hier zijn het gewoon verschillende 'ene personen'. :) #StookToot
⚠️Forse groei aantal hart- en vaatpatiënten
Website Hartstichting:
ALLE mensen na (óók ‘milde’) corona hoger risico hart- & vaatziekten
📈Stijging zorgkosten & ziektelast
📉Daling levensverwachting & arbeidsparticipatie
“De beste preventie is het voorkómen van corona-infectie.”
Twitter heeft via dochterbedrijf MoPub
jarenlang illegaal je gegevens doorverkocht 😲 #privacy
Doe mee met de massaclaim:
"Je kunt simpel trackers uitzetten, maar slechts 4% doet dit" legt bij #HLF8 uit hoe:
Chronic Illness Pacing
#ChronicIllness gang, I had a #pacing revelation at therapy this week. We all know it's IMPOSSIBLY difficult to #StopRestPace when you want to / have to do so many things in life. Even though I know the benefits and risks, I struggle with pacing and often over exert and crash. You too? Yeah....
We chatted about viewing the benefits of pacing from a wider lens - instead of just thinking of how it will benefit me (less symptoms, can do more, stability etc.), i am going to think about how it also benefits my relationships. When properly pacing, I can be the regulated mindful person I want to be. When I don't pace and get #PEM & severe #mecfs symptoms my brain is quick to anger and irritability.
For me this is a 💡way of thinking about pacing, and is going to motivate me. Hope it helps someone else!
#spoonies #pwme #pwlc #fblc #LongCovid #LongHauler #spoontheory #disability #disabled
Thoughts on chronic illness & time passing
@thebiglaskowski Yeah, it is an endless time loop but in a parallel universe, sort of. To me it feels like time stopped partly when I fell ill, and completely when I became too disabled to actively partake in society, because people have gone on with their lives while mine has been stuck in the same position for years.
If there were a cure for #MECFS tomorrow, I would be resuming my life from the point where it stopped, not from now.
Interessante Studie die zeigt, dass Small Fiber Neuropathie (#SFN) einen Subtyp bei posturalem orthostatischen Tachykardiesyndrom (#POTS) ausmacht.
Dinge, die man auch bei #LongCovid und #MECFS abklären sollte.
When a tweet is a whole novel, a #horror #scifi miniseries hit on a major streaming service, and a strong candidate to the Hugo Award
"It is amazing to have a 6-month, oral treatment for drug-resistant TB. This means, we can put an end to painful, toxic 24-month regimens for DR-TB which include injectable drugs." Read more from #EndTB ➡️
"Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Registered Report" by me and @chrisdc77 is a guide through the #RegisteredReports process:
1. Write and learn
2. Develop your research question & a study design that can answer it
3. Choose where to #publish
4. Consider #ethics
5. Map from research question to interpretation
6. Specify what you will & won't do
7. #Preregister your Stage 1
8. Managing deviations
9. Preparing your Stage 2
10. Making everything #open
Is iemand nog verrast hierover?
De topambtenaar aan wie Bergkamp de verantwoordelijkheid over het onderzoek heeft gedelegeerd blijkt zelf een van de klagers tegen Arib te zijn. ‘De onafhankelijkheid staat onder druk’
@Guzman youtube music
Low-key due to ELCI; science, crafty stuff, cats, plants.