Did you know?
Bumblebees used to be called Humblebees?
Back in Darwin's day and up to the early 20th century, they were mostly referred to as Humblebees due to the fact that they hummed while flying! But the lesser used named of Bumblebee existed on the fringes.
At some point between the two World Wars, there was a shift and Bumblebee became more popular and Humblebee was consigned to history.
This entry by A.W. Stelfox in the Irish Naturalist' Journal in 1921 still used the old name.
A few years ago I made this flow chart of which Mastodon posts end up in which timelines!
So, you can see how each instance will have a different local timeline, and even a slightly different federated timeline - and you can see why the federated timeline moves so much faster than the local one, too.
This is why it's important to boost good posts and use hashtags - the fediverse is fragmented and harder to search by nature.
Everyone has had the #hiccups, but have you ever thought about why we get them? This week Sophie Liebergall dives into the neuroscience behind several behaviors, like the hiccups, that we may have inherited from our distant ancestors. Read to learn about these interesting behaviors at the intersection of #neuroscience and #evolution.
I have never been trained or taught how to diagnose and manage #MECFS in medical school and in my specialty training. I’m beginning to learn about it just recently. And makes me wonder, how many times did I miss this diagnosis?
Extremely disappointed that journalists are still using the term ‘bed blocking’ to describe older people waiting in hospital beds because of under resourced social care This is not the fault of older people, but of successive governments underfunding social care to the point where it is now a significant threat to our NHS. Likely no older person would choose to be in hospital
Ik wil iets vertellen over deze handwarmer.
Ik heb de afgelopen maand meerdere nachten wakker gelegen van enthousiasme over deze handwarmer. Toen bestond ‘ie nog niet, ik heb deze (of beter: zijn broertje, het is er een van een paar maar ik kan geen foto maken van allebei mijn handen tegelijk) pas een uurtje af. EEN DRAADJE
Minder vrouwen in de lokale politiek door online haat https://www.lokaalbestuur.nl/vrouwenhaat-lokale-politiek
This week, the world’s human #population is expected to reach 8B. About 109B people have lived and died. Each grain of sand represents 10M.
Spectacular #data visualization of human life on Earth by Max Roser #science
If you are worried about progress of my book "The technology of life".. you'd be right. People do appreciate the material though when I do presentations. https://berthub.eu/dna-book/
RT @JVLazarus@twitter.com
We would like to see a comprehensive pandemic response (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05398-2) because, unfortunately, #CovidIsNotOver - https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/11/southeast-us-has-hit-the-roof-of-cdcs-respiratory-illness-level-scale/
It can be, if we implement the #COVIDconsensus recommendations. @CDCgov@twitter.com @CUNYSPH@twitter.com @EricTopol@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JVLazarus/status/1591801525122531329
Ouders worden niet meer geïnformeerd over #COVID19 besmettingen in de klas en zo kan het zijn dat je ten onrechte denkt dat er geen #coronauitbraken op #scholen meer zijn. Veel ziekte en #lesuitval.
Help mee om weer zicht te krijgen door het aanvullen van de meldingen op https://scholenmeldpunt.nl
“ A large study today from Germany shows that kids and adolescents are at the same relative risk of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms 90 days or more after acute infection as adults are, according to findings in PLOS Medicine.”
RT @SDicht@twitter.com
Beste @UNICEFnl@twitter.com
Kunnen jullie je als NL tak van Unicef snel bij laten praten door jullie moederorganisatie @UNICEF@twitter.com want het lijkt of jullie nu nog niet op hetzelfde spoor zitten. Pleit voor het voorkómen van (her)besmettingen op scholen, bescherm kinderen.
@Econowiser@twitter.com @roelgrif@twitter.com
Seriously though, fedi was *built* by furries, trans and queer folk, disabled neurodivergent people.
This is *the reason* the culture here is what it is. Why CWs are a thing. Why image descriptions are a thing. Why privacy matters here. Why moderation tools not only exist, but are usable — and used.
If you had joined and asked yourself "wow, how come this place is so chill and kinda… nice?" — that's thanks to all the nice people from communities some people call "weird".
So #KeepFediWeird.
Low-key due to ELCI; science, crafty stuff, cats, plants.