microbiology question
When you look at "life" at the molecular level, where does the designation of "life" ends? At the organelles, like the mitochondria? Ribosomes? Endoplasmic reticulum? Microtubules?
These are all complex machines that take part in this phenomenon we humans label as "life". But at the molecular levels, we are talking about vast chemical factories and processes. It is beyond fascinating...
And we can even go down to the DNA, RNA and the codons, and the amino acids that the codons match up with to be assembled into polypeptide chains, etc.
Where does it all end?
ATP serves as the energy supply for this entire operation. We are talking electron transfers here.....
Are electrons "alive"? And yet they serve as the basis of all the chemical processes that we call "life".
And how far down this rabbit hole do you wish to go?