I white-wash nothing. I call the shots as I see them, and I have been watching video reports from many of these riots from many cities in the US. Including my own home town, Philly.
It was quite stunning to hear about -- and see -- places I am highly familiar with being overrun and torched and looted by these roving pack of idiots.
Of course, a supposed leftist such as yourself will try to paint this all in
terms of your own narrow-minded (read: leftist) view of the world.
Well, @mutuality@social.coop
Oh fun! Identity politics!!
You know, sometimes intellectual minds can carry on a conversation that bears no relationship with irrelevant externalities such as dermal chromatics.
However, to a leftist, the concept will be totally lost. Never mind the obvious intellectual challenge for such a one.
Be careful when you open your mouth (or put fingers to the keyboard). Your true colours(!) might just be revealed.
@vnarek We don't have all the facts of the case. The police may have had a legitimate reason for what they did... but the cop was arrested anyway, from what I know.
But as far as George Floyd, I have no sympathies for him, and he is for sure not worth all the craziness that's going on in the US right now.
Had he a clean record, that would be something else.
And I don't care if he did put in the time. He traumatized that woman. Did he have any intentions of doing reparations to her, if he truly was "turning a new leaf?"
Some beat me up about NAP. But NAP is a damned good principle I wish all would follow.
Why are there so many riots over this felon George Floyd, fresh out of jail for putting a woman under gunpoint in her own home? Is he worth it?
If Floyd had done that to the mother of those out in the streets doing all the protests, I wonder if they would still protest????
@freemo On that matter, you were spot on. A powder keg waiting to be tamped off. And oh man, what a powder keg!!!!!
Take care man.
@freemo And they never bloody learn, either. Year after year, decade after decade, same old story.
Get back to the land of -- relative -- sanity as soon as you can.
@freemo The really sad tragedy is that the business they burn to the ground or loot were probably perhaps employing a lot of people from the community, and now those jobs are gone. Simply gone, not to return for many years, regardless of the skin hues of the owners.
@freemo Not exclusive, perhaps, but strongly leftist.
@freemo I have not noticed "minority owned" signs in the windows, and not every "minority owned" business puts those signs in their windows!
In fact, any business could slap those signs up, "white"-owned or otherwise.
Sometimes, the "blacks" hate certain minorities, like the Chinese or Koreans that sometimes open shops in their neighbourhoods. They've been targeted in some of the riots in the past.
Whatever. This is a great tragedy, on a scale larger than I can recall, ever. I think some of the riots in the 60s may have been at this scale, but I was in single-digits then, age-wise.
@freemo Trump knows when to speak like a President, and when to speak like a clown to piss off the Democrats.
As I said all along, he knows how to play the Media, and he does so like a finely tuned instrument.
@freemo It is not clear to me that the business being torched and looted has anything to do with the "race" of the owners. Mob mentality does not reason. It just goes forth and destroys everything in its wake.
Trump addresses the riot situation.
Heilige Scheiße!!!!
It's like something out of some post-apocalypic scene.
And it sucks to be a cop in the US right now. You are hated for cracking down on worshipers by the right, and are hated for apparent police brutality by the left.
Glad not to be there.
Model yourself! Well, just a neuron or two, anyway. 🤠
How is our magnetic "climate" doing? And what happens if the magnetic field flips in our lifetimes?
And personally, I do wonder what effects this has on the typical climate change overall.
The dreams of AGI. The reality that we still suck.