@lucifargundam all the conspiracies, the idiotic conservative politicians, the news, etc. It's an embarrassment that these people have power.

@mewmew @lucifargundam hey my federated feed is full of conspiracy theorists now cuz apparently the right wing instances (noticeably brighteon and quodverum) are getting new users. But they are the fringe. There are bad actors of all sides of the political spectrum

@realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam you're already a conspiracy theorist, you just don't see it. Two weeks and you'll be agreeing with them and always pointing to a more extreme group as the ones that are "the fringe".
@realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam you repeated a post from someone larping as ted kaczynski about a wtc7 conspiracy.

@mewmew @lucifargundam LOL that doesn’t mean I believe what he’s saying! Alex Jones is a nut

@realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam if you repost crazy stuff, people will think you believe it. I haven't seen you reposting (well I can't give you a good example here because leftists don't actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream - but you don't repeat much mainstream leftist stuff either).

@mewmew @lucifargundam

leftists don’t actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream

Umm…the claim that #Trump colluded with #Russia? Masks and lockdowns combine effectively stop the spread of #COVID? #JoeBiden won the 2020 election? Three MASSIVE left wing conspiracy theories that are mainstream, and those were just the past four years.

@realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam the Trump-Russia collusion is not nearly comparable. Russia interfered, Trump benefitted, proving they coordinated is obviously very hard to do.

Masks and lockdowns do help. that's not a conspiracy theory. Do you even understand what a conspiracy is? You might want to look up the scientific process before making dumb claims like this.

And Biden has won. He has ~5 million more votes than Trump and has won MI, WI, PA, AZ, etc.

Conservatives like you view simple facts as "liberal conspiracies". This is proving my original point - you don't know how far down the rabbit hole you are here.
@mewmew @realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam
> biden has won
no, he hasn't. the votes have not been certified and the constitutional process is not complete. CNN just up and decided it, which doesn't make it true. (for instance, Trump just won one of the lawsuits regarding ballots that failed to have the voter identities verified by the state law's own cutoff date.)

Twitter nuking New York Post's account for covering Hunter Biden is very close to left wing conspiracy though. Google stamping "the AP has called the race for Biden" on everything (when AP is *not* who decides who the P is) is awfully close.
@icedquinn @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins well no shit. The electoral college hasn't voted yet. You're being pedantic here - the election has taken place, we have a clear winner.

Twitter deleting the account of someone for violating their ToS is not a conspiracy. Nor is google trying to prevent the spread of misinformation.
@mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins
> violated the ToS
No, they didn't. Twitter claimed it was "hacked material." The providence of the material was legitimate salvage. It was known to be legitimate salvage at the time they claimed it was "hacked."

It was a completely malicious call and they knew it which is why they got flamed in congress.
@icedquinn @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins oh boy Republicans don't like that Twitter censored their conspiracies, what a surprise. So much for "freedom"

I guess they never claimed to be libertarians, at least.

@mewmew @icedquinn @lucifargundam Anything you disagree with can become a conspiracy theory, if only you believe in yourself

@mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins
so you're walking back the claim it was a ToS violation.

i guess that's more than i expected.
@mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins
> one of the oldest news institutions reports a story from a laptop a repair shop who was able to produce the work order with a direct signature from the owner says the contents are horrifying and the institutions have publicly stated they do not believe it to be part of a disinformation campaign is censored by a company lying that it was stolen

> cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrY

@mewmew @icedquinn @lucifargundam Hold on mew; you disagree with me, so you call me a conspiracy theorist. Yet I point out real theories and fake news balony, and they’re all things that you’ve fallen for?

I think it’s a trap to run around dismissing people as “conspiracy theorists” for disagreeing. You calling me a conspiracy theorist was uncalled for and unfounded.

@realcaseyrollins @icedquinn @lucifargundam remember when we all laughed at "alternative facts"? Oh wait. You actually believed them. Lmao
@icedquinn @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins doesn't look like it to me though their site is bad on mobile

@mewmew @icedquinn @lucifargundam Also the claim that they retracted it is highly disputed, I haven’t found proof of that. They say they never called it

@realcaseyrollins @mewmew @lucifargundam we had pictures if it dropping back below 270 one of these nights
@realcaseyrollins @mewmew @lucifargundam

> leftists don’t actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream

As a long-time crank collector and aficionado of conspiracy theories, I can say that this is a really, really bad take. All the "evil government" memes *were* left-wing conspiracy theories until about ten or fifteen years ago. Hippie protestors tried to destroy computers in the 70s because there was this widespread idea that they were gonna turn people in to numbers, cogs in the system maaaan. :elonjoint:

The Seattle anti-globalist protesting the WTO was based on left-wing conspiracy theories. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTO_Ministerial_Conference_of_1999_protest_activity )

The "racist dog-whistle", for one thing. Incredibly prevalent conspiracy theories. Just ask a conspiratorially minded left-winger about the "neocons" and the "neolibs" and all of that. "Capitalists *actually* want $x but all of them *say* $y." is a thing that I hear bandied about constantly.

There persist to this day left-wing conspiracy theories that the reason the USSR failed was that the US shut them out. (This extends to every failure of every socialist/communist project unless you get the "not real socialism" defense.)

Shared reality is a shifty thing, but there are about a million left-wing conspiracy theories. @mewmew saying "leftists don't actually have dumb conspiracies that are mainstream" is probably a flippant remark so I hesitated to harp on it (please take this as good-natured), but come on, Corn-pop.
@p @realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam I agree that there are left-wing conspiracies - but they are nowhere near as common as right-wing ones. Nor are they anywhere as dangerous to the modern world. So I couldn't come up with easy examples, because they just haven't been that prominent recently.

@mewmew @p @lucifargundam Um…the conspiracy theory that law enforcement as a whole is racist and hunts down black people literally sparked riots all across the #USA that have been going on for over a hundred days and led to fires, deaths, explosions and millions of dollars of property damage, not to mentioned shuttered businesses and destroyed economies.

That’s a textbook example of a left wing conspiracy theory that is mainstream and dangerous

@realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam @p no, I'm telling you, you are just flat-out wrong about what you think people on the left think.
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@p @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins "literally" has (frustratingly) taken on an ironic meaning.
@mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins As I said, one half-assed search query to illustrate the point. You've seen it enough times, you know it's the case.
@realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam @mewmew @p
I have never heard anybody ever talk about people actively hunting down black people outside of discussions about shit like the kkk
@p @mewmew @realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam ngl I thought antifa were conspiracy theorists with some of the things said. Everyone has different ideas of who "The Man" is, whether he's White, Jewish, truscum, or cis.
@mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins

> they are nowhere near as common as right-wing ones

The "secret Nazi with racist dog-whistling" one is ridiculously common. How about the unconscious bias quackery? "Intergenerational trauma" is pretty widespread. Here's an insanely widespread left-wing conspiracy theory: Israel is trying to commit genocide. (US supported Israel during the Cold War, the USSR supported Palestine, that dividing line has persisted since.)

> Nor are they anywhere as dangerous to the modern world.

I'd say "these deplorables are Nazis, fight them in the streets, everyone with snek flag is a Nazi, everyone's all secret Nazis" is pretty goddamn dangerous. "White people can't empathize with people of color" is about as close to digging a trench for a race war or an ethnostate as you can get: "These people cannot understand you, they cannot feel anything for you, this will never change, it's their nature". Tell me that's not dangerous or widespread, man.

(The real conspiracy is authoritarians versus humanity, anyway. I'm on the side of anyone that doesn't want to stop me from doing whatever I feel like doing.)
@p @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins ok, I'll give you israel.

The "secret Nazis" stuff is a strawman, that's not stuff any prominent leftist politician (in the usa anyway) is promoting.

I'm anti authoritarian too but I think a government is actually required for this - corporations are just as much a threat to freedom as the government.
@mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins

> The "secret Nazis" stuff is a strawman

It's legitimate, not a strawman. (And please don't accuse me of making shit up, dude, I mean what I am saying.) *I* have been called a secret Nazi. I know I'm not a Nazi, you know I'm not a Nazi, but it's a prevalent belief that secret Nazis use racist dog-whistles to communicate coded messages to fellow secret Nazis in plain sight.

> I'm anti authoritarian too but I think a government is actually required for this - corporations are just as much a threat to freedom as the government.

I've addressed this elsewhere, but the short version is that nobody working for any corporation has any rights that I do not have and they rely on the state to do what they do.


@p @mewmew @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins

it’s a prevalent belief that secret Nazis use racist dog-whistles to communicate coded messages to fellow secret Nazis in plain sight.

Could it be that they are not aware they are doing it, or even that they are ones in the first place? In the same way that someone might for years not realize that he is committing some social gaffe.

@fluffy @lucifargundam @mewmew @realcaseyrollins You've got to assume no individual agency for that. There are definitely people that are useful idiots for someone else's ideology, human tools, but "You believe $x without knowing you believe $x" is several steps past that.

There it is, the dumbest thing I'll read all week. And this with the Democrats in the midst of defending their ham-fisted election fraud. Bravo.

@p @lucifargundam @realcaseyrollins
@mewmew @realcaseyrollins @lucifargundam This thread is funny af. You get an RT because I want it on my local TL.
@realcaseyrollins @mewmew @lucifargundam

The tower that collapsed on the news before it did in person.
@karolat @lucifargundam @mewmew @realcaseyrollins

It was reportedly hit by an engine, with the damage not facing the side being filmed, which would make the "collapsed" miss-statement less malicious, but it's more fun to phrase it with those strong implications.
@moth @karolat @lucifargundam @mewmew @realcaseyrollins

even if it was hit by an engine (it wasn't), asymmetrical damage and fires can not cause a symmetrical free fall implosion of a steel skyscraper. this is utterly impossible

i would direct your attention to architects and engineers for 9/11 truth ae911truth.org and the recent uni of alaska study ine.uaf.edu/wtc7 on the topic
@realcaseyrollins @karolat @lucifargundam @mewmew @moth
>never heard of wtc7
>don't have time for conspiracy theories

you haven't heard of wtc7 because you like being a sucker and you like being lied to, not because the information isn't available
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