@lucifargundam Can't wait to try it out myself. But waiting for my friends to start a shared world with them from the beginning.
>>"start a shared world with them from the beginning."
<< like start a new game? or start since the game came out?
@lucifargundam start a new world, I just played the game by myself one year ago. But I didn't fully explore it.
I'd be down to play a game sometime.
@lucifargundam So I thought about joining server recently, can I mod easily on Linux? Just copy files into right dir, or some more tinkering?
@lucifargundam @samurro
New char for mistlands is what I plan to do for myself, but to play on some servers with my friends from other games, the mods are a must ..
@dnf @lucifargundam I also never modded #valheim care to share what kind of mods you talking about?
@samurro @lucifargundam So kids are using some mod manager for windows, mainly there are anti-cheat mods, new enemies, buildings, and NPC mods if you want to make adventure server...