Let's make a #CBOR Payload Formatter for #TheThingsNetwork
Thanks to #TheThingsNetwork Payload Formatter, we can decode CBOR in the cloud ... And send JSON to the apps!
Here's a sample Payload Formatter that decodes the Message Payload received by #TheThingsNetwork
Helium LoRaWAN Network has similar Payload Decoders
"cbor-js" is a plain old JavaScript Decoder for #CBOR ... Let's port this to #TheThingsNetwork as Payload Formatter
Top part of our #CBOR Payload Formatter for #TheThingsNetwork is exactly the same as "cbor-js" ... Our special stuffing is below
Remember to handle JavaScript Errors in our #CBOR Payload Formatter for #TheThingsNetwork
Paste our CBOR Payload Formatter JavaScript into #TheThingsNetwork at Application > Payload Formatters > Uplink
#TheThingsNetwork now decodes our #CBOR Payload yay! 🎉
#TheThingsNetwork now returns the Decoded #CBOR Payload to all our apps: Prometheus, Grafana, Roblox, ...
Decoding #CBOR Sensor Data in #TheThingsNetwork with a Payload Formatter ... All shall be explained in this (short) article
What's a Payload Formatter in #TheThingsNetwork?
How we decode #CBOR Sensor Data in our Payload Formatter for #TheThingsNetwork
Installing our #CBOR Payload Formatter into #TheThingsNetwork
Testing our CBOR Payload Formatter for #TheThingsNetwork ... With #PineDio Stack BL604
Up next: Prometheus + Grafana with #TheThingsNetwork!
Here's how we decode CBOR Sensor Data inside #TheThingsNetwork ... With a #CBOR Payload Formatter
Payload Formatters are plain old JavaScript functions (not Node.js) ... That will run on #TheThingsNetwork Servers to decode our #LoRaWAN Message Payload