Homemade 8-bit Computer: "built using breadboards, jump cables, and logic gates"
Reverse-engineering Apple Enhanced Contactless Polling (NFC)
@lupyuen looks interesting. Sadly it's based on Droidian, so no 'real' Linux Phone, but Libhybris. Looking forward for the first phone that fully supports pmOS ootb.
Furi Phone FLX1: "#Debian-based Smartphone with decent specs at a competitive price"
C Standard Charter: "mission and expectations of the C Committee"
#RustLang won’t do Double-Float for 32-bit #RISCV ... Let's create a Custom Rust Target for #NuttX on QEMU
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#rust-wont-double-float
@lupyuen now if we can somehow use this knowledge to reverse engineer what's running on ME...
"In the long run, #AI's Energy Use will likely level off at a significant but not grid-melting level"
Quick way to Build and Test any #NuttX Repo ... With Milk-V Duo S #RISCV Emulator 👍
Source: https://github.com/lupyuen/nuttx-sg2000/blob/main/.github/workflows/sg2000-special.yml
"your computer may be running #MINIX 3 right now because Intel used it as the operating system of its chips' integrated Management Engine"
"multiple low-hanging fruit Vulnerabilities in #KakaoTalk’s Android app can lead to the disclosure of users’ Messages"
GCC Linker won’t link the binaries: Hard-Float vs Soft-Float ... Here's how we fix the #RustLang binaries in Apache #NuttX RTOS
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#software-vs-hardware-floating-point
#Singapore Hackware: "My first ASIC with Tiny Tapeout: PWM audio"
Teardown: Surface Laptop 7
IoT Techie and Educator / Apache NuttX PMC