Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is also friendly with Moscow, was quick to hail Georgian Dream’s “overwhelming victory” on social media.…/article_d3e0eb41-89f5-…
"These plutocrats’ efforts underline the wisdom of something that Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis once said: “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.”
Crystallizing Brandeis’ fears, the billionaires backing Trump don’t seem terribly concerned about preserving our democracy. They support Trump despite his talk of being a dictator on Day One, terminating the Constitution and siccing federal prosecutors on his political opponents and critics."
Infant death rates were higher than expected for several months after the Supreme Court struck down the federal right to abortion, with most of the increase coming from infants with birth defects, researchers reported on Monday in JAMA Pediatrics.
404 Media found exactly how a Musk-funded PAC is microtargeting Muslims & Jews with opposing messages. Includes areas with mosques
How we think of zero-nil-nada
Corporations are not sentient entities. They are contracts. They do not "do" things. They do not make decisions. Executives do.
When corporate activity breaks a law or harms people, it means the executives decided to do that.
When a corporation has been fined for something, what you are witnessing is the executives being let off the hook for what they did. Perhaps the prosecutor/regulator wants to keep get big money from corporations after leaving government.
Night Train Map in Europe (2024), This is an interactive map: each line is clickable and brings information about all the stops, schedules, frequency and the company operating this line. That’s pure beauty.
Combined with InterRail, it’s so much travel freedom and opportunities in Europe!
Вече преди години на един гейм джам направихме игричка, която ме вдъхновява много, но колегите от проекта, от който възникна идеята, някак си не я оцениха.
Става дума за интерактивна история със сюжет по Братя Грим и геймплей а ла Reigns (механиката на Tinder).
Идеята е обяснена в повече детайли тук: , а играта може да се играе на:
Putin doesn't need to interfere with the US elections anymore. Elon Musk is doing the job for him now.
Just remembering this posting from @pluralistic in 2016. Seems continuously relevant with all the apologists and sanewashing about these days. When people tell you what they will do with their enemy of choice, believe them.
Il Summit ha confermato che settori come la ciclologistica, il cicloturismo e la vendita di biciclette stanno generando migliaia di nuovi posti di lavoro, molti dei quali con un impatto minimo sull’ambiente. Uno studio recente presentato durante il vertice dall’Università di KU Leuven ha evidenziato che la ciclologistica potrebbe generare 231 milioni di euro di valore aggiunto e quasi 9.000 nuovi posti di lavoro se venisse utilizzata nel 25% della logistica urbana.
Electrostatics are being proactively used by insects and other small animals
Your future environmentally friendly neighbourhood air conditioner... is not much different from what it used to be
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They know that with Trump in the White House, their ruthless wars can continue without even the threat of repercussions.
How did we get here? Frightening levels of ignorance and gullibility -- that's how!
#Republicans #ignorance #Trump #gullible #followers #MAGA #presidential #campaign #politics #political #humour #humor #cartoon
Studying how people interact, in the past (#CulturalAnalytics) and today (#EdTech #Crowdsourcing). Researcher at @IslabUnimi, University of Milan. Bulgarian activist for legal reform with @pravosadiezv. I use dedicated accounts for different languages.
My profile is searchable with