NATO Rejects Ukraine Membership Bid; UK Tory Government Heading to Oblivion - YouTube
@HumanAreEditors Yes and the USD won't be used willy nilly as an economic weapon. That's a bonus for non-aligned nations.
@marathon0 are you even aware that the usd is backing all currencies, a currency that is worthless and backed by nothing?
UN currencies are literally fiat backed by fiat.
do you knoe the implications of such a thing?
@HumanAreEditors Implications to whom?
BTW do you not have a user avatar? I'm not seeing one here. That's an instant block for me.
@marathon0 are you kidding me? the us government prints and loans out the currency to other nations all the time.
were at the point were the sud is 99% its original value from the inflation of the currency.
not to mention all governments print money as a means to an end.
my god man if you don't know anything just admit it, and don't talk nonsense.