Hi! mastodon.social is being slow right now, as far as I can tell because there's twice as many people using it at the same time as ever have; I'm working on making it go fast again, but in the meantime, do remember to invite people to joinmastodon.org instead of directly to mastodon.social. People don't have to be on the same server to follow you! Thanks!
quick question, you guys don't support nfts right? ^^;
No it isn't. Not funny.
@rw @princesalde The energy cost to run a Mastodon node is tiny compared to the amount of money wasted on a single Bitcoin transaction, mostly because the latter is so inefficient due to what is going on that it's hard to make it any worse without literally burning an acre of old-growth rainforest for each Bitcoin spent.
Bitcoin's exorbitant energy expenditure isn't due to being decentralized. It's due to the fact that in order to verify transactions, the network runs a lottery which awards Bitcoin to whichever miner can brute-force solve a mathematical problem so hard that it takes the entire network 10 minutes to solve with a power level equivalent to a small European country.
@rw @princesalde Nice Warhammer meme!
@mathlover @rw @princesalde it's made on web3. We did it reddit