Learn Algebra with Julia - Math for entry-level IT professionals, vol. 1, 💥 🆕 is available here:

> As W. W. Saywer writes in his Mathematicians Delight, “The main object of this book is to dispel the fear of mathematics.”

> “It’s no secret that knowing advanced mathematical concepts and being comfortable with learning will open up more avenues for you as a software . …"

> The very nature of programming is mathematical.

-- from the Intro

+ 50 Math Puzzles - Solved Using Functional Julia, my is available here

Math and , some puzzles. (Or you can just copy and paste the code into a Julia REPL and… 🎉 … watch the magic! ❇️ )

teaser puzzle here

Time Complexity (Big O) simplified:

- When your calculation is not dependent on the input size, it is a constant time complexity (O(1)).
- When the input size is reduced by half, maybe when iterating, handling recursion, or whatsoever, it is a logarithmic time complexity (O(log n)).
- When you have a single loop within your algorithm, it is linear time complexity (O(n)).
- When you have nested loops within your algorithm, meaning a loop in a loop, it is quadratic time complexity (O(n^2)).
- When the growth rate doubles with each addition to the input, it is exponential time complexity (O2^n).

50 Math Puzzles - Solved Using Functional Julia, my now fully reviewed, is available here

I've been wanting to try for quite some time, but when I'm not to tired to spend a couple of hous with it, I forget.
I wonder if anyone here is using it?

Calling all programmers

Code a puzzle 4 Xmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas

According to the traditional song, on the first day of Christmas (25th December), my true love sent to me:

  • A partridge in a pear tree

On the second day of Christmas (26th December), my true love sent to me THREE presents:

  • Two turtle doves
  • A partridge in a pear tree

On the third day of Christmas (27th December and so on) my true love sent to me SIX presents:

  • Three French hens
  • Two turtle doves
  • A partridge in a pear tree

This carries on until the the twelfth day of Christmas, when my true love sends me:

  • Twelve drummers drumming
  • Eleven pipers piping
  • Ten lords a-leaping
  • Nine ladies dancing
  • Eight maids a-milking
  • Seven swans a-swimming
  • Six geese a-laying
  • Five gold rings
  • Four calling birds
  • Three French hens
  • Two turtle doves
  • A partridge in a pear tree

Puzzle Author: Stephen Froggatt

  1. Strict, hard coded, solution:
    function allgifts()
    dg = [] # daily gifts storage
    for d in 1:12
    d = sum(1:d) # daily gifts from day 1 to 12
    push!(dg, d) # storing each day gifts
    print(sum(dg)) # showing total number of gifts in storage

> allgifts()


2. Generalizing the function for any number of days:

I’ll put here my solution (in Julia) on the twelfth day

Meanwhile, I invite you all to post in the comments some solution coded in the programming language of your choice

> AHHH is an inspired by the all-consuming dread induced by programming. ...

> The language is pretty simple and is heavily based on COW. ...

Screaming into the Void but make it Turing complete


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