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Healing wounds with differential equations. Professor Jennifer Flegg uses mathematics to solve biological problems like wound healing and infectious diseases.
Source : The University of Melbourne / Pursuit / Professor Jennifer Flegg
#mathematics #math #maths

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German word of the day:


The act of making up words on Mastodon.

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> One of the key insights of is that absolute , a concept already discussed by Greek philosophers, is nowhere to be found in reality. Quite to the contrary, has shown that seemingly empty space is filled by of and fields, leading to a continuous into existence and disappearance of as well as massive . In the founding days of quantum mechanics, these consequences of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle were often not taken too seriously. However, modern physics is increasingly discovering how our universe is shaped by fluctuations of physical fields, which not only lead to tiny shifts of spectral lines of atoms, but moreover may cause the evaporation of black holes, and are ultimately responsible for the large-scale of our , formed during the inflationary period following the big bang.

Understanding fluctuations in

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Are you looking for a great browser-based application to search interactively for #astronomy related image data?

Check out ESA's ESASky. I created a short ... YouTube short about it.

A follow-up on ESA's #python JupyterLab extension will be shown soon.

#space #science


"Got a feeling you’re not alone? Forget life forms—we’re talking an altogether different kind of critter: the trillions of that call your home. The majority of these tiny creatures live in your tract. But how did they get there? What do they do? What happens when they get out of whack? And what can we do about it?"

: the inside story

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I think Dark Matter is everywhere, but we can see it best around other matter, like galaxy clusters. A possibility from a view of String Theory is that Dark Matter appears to us as an effect of string/anti-string annihilations. As you may know, quantum mechanics requires that strings must be formed as pairs in the quantum foam – a string and an anti-string – that immediately annihilate each other. Quantum mechanics also requires both the string and anti-string to be surrounded by “jitters” that reduce their monstrous vibrating energies. What if this jitter remains for a fraction of an instant after their string/anti-string annihilations? This temporary jitter would be seen by us as matter, via E=mc2, for that instant before it too returns to the foam. That’s why we never see it – the “mass” lasts only for that instant but is repeated over and over and over, all over. Specifics on this can be found in this YouTube
#astronomy #Science #darkmatter

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Yesterday's newsletter included a sampling of Arthur Stieglitz's photos of New York, taken around 1900.
In his 50-year career, Stieglitz succeeded in elevating photography to a recognized art form.
His photos now hang in prominent museums.

#photography #NewYork

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👋🏻 Hi, my name is D'yani! (cisfem, she/her) #introduction time!

I'm a thoughtful #creative #introvert #leftist, very into #empathy #communication #mentalhealth #acceptance and real #friendship.

I'm afraid I suck at making friends? Despite unshakable deep loneliness. So pls if you think we could be friends, throw me a lifeline 😊

#learning #digitalArt #cats #animals #chronicFatigue #accessibility #design #art #tv #movies #socialism #communism #UX #crafts #miniatures #books #cozy #videogames

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Introducing #Astro4j, my new toy project.

This is mostly for educational purposes. I have implemented my own algorithms to process Sol'Ex ( videos to reconstruct solar images.

Let me know what you think!

#java #astronomy #solar #processing #opensource

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The of

The more people, the less satisfactory interaction.

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Time for #mythologymonday! Since we've already talked about Ganymede's disappearance (ahem, kidnapping) in the #myth of #Aquarius... how about a myth about the #constellations #Libra and #Virgo?

In #GreekMythology, Astraea is the goddess of justice (or innocence/purity/truth). She lived in the Golden Age, before the rule of Zeus. Long story short, Zeus takes over, and the Ages pass... and things get awful!

By the Iron age, Astraea is horrified by the world & disappears (escapes?) into the stars, where she awaits the return of the Golden Age.

#Astronomy #Myth #Hesiod #Ovid #constellation #star

📷 : &

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"coi rodo xagycerni"

I know you don't understand, but it's a nice compliment...
in #Lojban.

Funnier is this one (and it's a pangram - a sentence that contains every letter):

".o’i mu xagji sofybakni cu zvati le purdi"

(read: Ohee moo khagzhee sof-uh-bahknee shoo zvahtee leh poordee.)

translation: Watch out, there are five hungry Soviet-cows in that garden.

What's a Soviet-cow?
I have no idea - but I'm sure there's more than five out there.

#humor #sovietcows #sarcasm

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