"My #arguments are #logical, yours are #emotional" is a sure sign that you're dealing with someone who operates on pure #toddler-level #rage.
We knew this was coming, and we know what they'll "find." But it's still sad to see the day actually arrive.
#antivax #massmurder
A request: if you want me to know something, please don't send me a #video or #podcast link. For me, watching and listening are for #entertainment, while #reading is for #learning (and entertainment too, of course). I don't really like this, but it's the way my brain works and unlikely to change.
Some #Tories are starting to approach the beginning of a shred of self-awareness. Let's see if it lasts. I know which way I'm betting.
Another one bites the dust. The #RoyalSociety used to be the world's premier #scientific organization. Now "#FRS" means as much as a blue checkmark.
#Famine and #war are mighty horsemen, but #pestilence is *patient*.
Also gotta love the untucked shirt and slightly rolled up sleeves. Petey baby, your liver is the only part of you that's done a day of hard work in your life.
The treaty with the #Cylons has held for years, so this seems like a great time to load some untested code onto the defense mainframe.
Exactly as expected, the #FDA has canceled its meeting to select which #flu strains will be included in the next round of #vaccines. Given the time lag involved, this means updated vaccines will not be ready for this fall’s flu season.
#Antivaxers who claim to hold a compromise position, or that they can be persuaded by sufficient evidence, are always lying. They’re fanatics, every single one. You probably know that already, but it bears repeating.
"#DOGEshit" is my new favorite word for ... you know ... all this.
Bioinformaticist / biostatistician, veteran USAF medic and Army infantryman, armchair paleontologist, occasional science fiction author, long-ago kickboxer, oldbat goth, vaccinated liberal patriot.