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"My are , yours are " is a sure sign that you're dealing with someone who operates on pure -level .

I should make it clear that I have no objection to *supplemental* and , and in fact they can be quite helpful in getting a point across. But I absolutely need to explain what I'm seeing and hearing.

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A request: if you want me to know something, please don't send me a or link. For me, watching and listening are for , while is for (and entertainment too, of course). I don't really like this, but it's the way my brain works and unlikely to change.

Some are starting to approach the beginning of a shred of self-awareness. Let's see if it lasts. I know which way I'm betting.

The call is coming from inside the store.

Seen in the wild: "worth its weight in eggs."

Also gotta love the untucked shirt and slightly rolled up sleeves. Petey baby, your liver is the only part of you that's done a day of hard work in your life.

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Or to avoid copyright trouble: Nosfercatu.

I have the feeling this image is going to be getting quite a workout, again. Feel free to use as you see fit.

Exactly as expected, the has canceled its meeting to select which strains will be included in the next round of . Given the time lag involved, this means updated vaccines will not be ready for this fall’s flu season.

who claim to hold a compromise position, or that they can be persuaded by sufficient evidence, are always lying. They’re fanatics, every single one. You probably know that already, but it bears repeating.

They've cracked the case! Someone needs to fry for this. Better scramble to get it done.

Golly, this map looks familiar. Used to see it with a different color scheme, though.

"" is my new favorite word for ... you know ... all this.

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