“The largest and easiest gains in knowledge work come from redefining the task. They involve eliminating what need not be done,” says Peter Drucker. Didn’t get the results you want? Prune the unnecessary. Stop doing anything and everything that fails to move you towards those results. Are you a principal focused on achieving innovative learning? How you get there varies. https://blog.tcea.org/three-simple-steps-to-innovative-learning/ #Education #EdTech #Leadership #TCEA #EduTooter @edutooters
@plugusin @edutooters Thanks! I picked up a copy. Are you leading a book study soon on it? 🤣 No really, why not?
@mguhlin @edutooters I'll think about it! I'm 60.% of the way through.
@plugusin @edutooters @mguhlin Just checked on Amazon….it’s 49% off. Seems rather fitting given the title ;)
@janetbell @plugusin @edutooters @mguhlin our first tip in #50teachertips is less is more. Check out our school rubric published book
@mguhlin @edutooters : Hey Miguel. That reminds me a lot of a new book that I started reading called Subtract.
The whole premise is that there are cultural and evolutionary factors that make it difficult to do the pruning that you talk about --- but that we can teach ourselves to start thinking about subtraction in a more proactive way.
The research and examples in the text have been super interesting to me.